Chapter 17

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This chapter was thought of by Sara_the_strawberry so thank you for giving this amazing idea to me!

"Hide! Where have you been?!" Kaneki yelled, pulling the thin looking blonde into the sitting room and running to grab food. I tutted and shut my door behind myself. My drug addiction has been left far behind and I have finally finished my road to recovery. I'm fit, healthy, drug free and have been clean for two weeks.

Until Hide was found.

He was spotted by Kaneki while he was walking home from working at the café. His eyes don't shine like they used to, and his frame is thin and frail, like an elderly person who had been dying for years. He looked terrible. I knew that Kaneki would bring him here, they are best friends after all. But I didn't know that I would feel jealousy towards Hide. He got so much of My Boyfriends attention, and was pampered back to health.

-Time Skip-

Weeks have gone past, and Hide is finally well enough to leave. He is casually chatting with Kaneki in the sitting room, and I'm in my room, listening to music, Lotto by EXO to be precise.  (Its a good song, but if you don't like, replace it with a song you like.) I swayed to the beat, singing along with the English. Once the song ended, I opened the door, freezing in place instantly.

Hide's lips.... against My Kaneki's soft, delicate lips....

I can feel my heart being crushed under piles of bricks, squashing it slowly and painfully. What's worse, it looks like Kaneki is kissing that dick back. I stumbled backwards, tripping and landing with a thud. Kaneki broke away and looked my way, his face instantly going from confusion to guilt.
"Ayato.. it's not what it looks like..." He whispered, walking over to me slowly. I kicked out my legs and, stumbling, ran out of the front door into the moving traffic. Kaneki ran after me, calling my name and asking me to stop. I might be short, but I'm a lot faster then I look, as Kaneki found out. I managed to get quite a way in between us, losing him in the daily crowds. Still, I kept running, not stopping until I didn't know where I was anymore.

Hiding in an ally, I panted and cried silently, looking around and trying to figure out where I was exactly. The bustling streets made me home sick. I knew none of these faces.
"I want Kaneki." I whined, curling into a ball and crying myself to sleep.

Five days have gone past, and I still don't know where I am. I have been wondering around and hoping for anything or anyone to help me. But I am to awkward to ask for help, so I get no help in return. However, finally, this street looks familiar. A smiled creeps onto my face as I run to the flat that I lived in before running away. Kaneki's flat. His car isn't in the parking place, so he's either at school or at work. I walk to the door and get out my key, the only thing I took before leaving. Unlocking the door brings back the image of them kissing, it being burned into my mind as I find myself walking to the bathroom. There is medicine in there, also other poisonous things I could take to get rid of this image. Anything, I would take it to get rid of this sinking feeling in my stomach.

I reach into the overhead cabinet, opening it and finding painkillers of all types. I smile as I bring an entire pot down to take. I pour around ten into my hand, wondering if this would be enough. I look into the mirror at my disgusting hair, skin, eyes, body. All of it. It will all go. As soon as I take these pills. Just as I begin to put them into my mouth, the door opens and reveals Kaneki, who has a look of shock and disbelief on his face. As soon as he realized what I was about to do, be snatched my hand away from my face and pulled me into a tight hug, squeezing me close, as close as physically possible.
"Ayato. Never leave me again. You had me worried sick. I though you had been hi by a car, or been taken advantaged of by street thugs." Kaneki whispered, tears falling onto my head as he cried, stroking my hair. Tears began falling out of my eyes uncontrollably, latching myself onto him as he picked me up and took me to the kitchen.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I repeated over and over. Funny to think this is the only thing I ever say to Kaneki when something is wrong. It's always me who messes up and leaves Kaneki to clean it up. He just put me down on the side and began feeding me rice, slowly so I wouldn't choke. I carried on crying silently, like a young child who's ice cream just fell flat on the floor.

"Don't ever run away again Ayato."

"I won't... I promise..."

Hey again. So hears a chapter for you lovely people, and I don't know, it might be near the ending of this Ayakane fanfic. Another big thank you for Sara_the_strawberry for giving me the idea for the chapter and if you have any questions regarding the book and what I plan with it, just ask, but tbh I don't really know what else to write about, so maybe the next chapter will be the final one.

Thanks for reading

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