Chapter 7: Kaneki III

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I woke up to find Kaneki asleep next to me. I gasped, going bright red and rolling out of the bed.
I hit the floor hard, wincing in pain. Kaneki woke at the sound, looking over the edge of the bed and smirking. I stuck my tongue out at him, my tongue piercing showing. He caught my tongue and looked at the piercing, playing around with it.
"I didn't know you had a piercing here, as well as your ears." He teased, pushing a finger into my mouth. I lifted my arms and pushed him away, blushing and looking at the floor.
"So what? It's my choice." I snapped, feeling his hand stroking my hair. I stood up, looking down at him, frowning at his playful smirk.
"Yeah, well. Your so girly." He teased again, reaching out and holding my hand. I jerked my hand away and walked to the bathroom.
"Yeah, well at least I'm not a pedo like you." I accused, shutting the door behind me, locking it.
"I'm not a pedo. I'm just bisexual." He muttered, sitting up and rubbing his head. I sighed and got dressed, tugging on my skinny jeans, backing into the door. I opened it and walked over to Kaneki, pushing him back onto the bed, pinning him down.
"Your bi? That's disgusting." I murmured, my bangs covering my eyes. He stared up at me, shock on his face, then it changed into a smirk.
"How's that disgusting? I get the best of both." He chuckled, as I gagged. He rolled over and pinned me down onto the bed. I gasped, his face right next to mine.
"That's why your disgusting. You bang girls, and get banged by boys." I frowned, staring up at him.
"I'm guessing you've never been banged by the same gender. I also bet that you've never banged a girl in your life." He smirked, whispering into my ear. I growled, wriggling under him. He chuckled, nibbling on my ear lobe. I shivered, biting my lower lip.
"Get off me!" I squealed, his tongue tracing my jaw line. "Get off!" I repeated, pushing at his chest with my one free hand.
"Not until you say that bi people aren't disgusting." He whispered, chuckling slightly.
"Well, then get used to me being around." He teased again.
"Ugh, fine... Bi people aren't disgusting... There. Now get off." I grumbled, tilting my head slightly. He chuckled and looked down at me.
"You really are different to other people I've seen." He smiled, seeing me look weak.
"And your not weird yourself." I said, closing my eyes and relaxing. He got off me slowly, getting slightly kicked in the groin again. I sat up and covered my face with the duvet. He stood up and left the room, coming back a sandwich each.

"Eat." He said, sticking a slice into my mouth. I took a bite, feeling the cheese fall out of the bread. I took the sandwich and finished it before Kaneki had even started his.

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