Chapter 16

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HELP ME!!!!'

I've been like this all morning, silently cursing and swearing. The pain is so bad, but at the moment, Kaneki's pain is much worse.

Firstly, his boyfriend was constantly throwing up. Secondly, Hide had gone... missing.

Kaneki burst into tears when he found out, I must say, I was kind of jealous. But then again, they have been friends since forever. Kaneki hasn't slept, so the bags under his normally silvery very eyes darkened every day. He's always searching around, before school, after work, at night, but there has been no sight of the missing person. Not only am I annoyed that Kaneki is sad, I'm annoyed that I'm unable to help him. I feel so unhelpful and like a bad boyfriend... He deserves so much better.

Juuzou came over today, and let's just say, he was the one to watch over me while Kaneki went out again. I simply locked myself in my room and suffered in silence while Juuzou tried to get in.
"Fuck off." I groaned, hearing him knock for the hundredth time. He sighed and gave up, going to the sofa and turning the TV on.

Kaneki came back again, finally, however, he brought back Touka. I haven't seen her since I moved out, and I didn't want to see her while I'm like this. But sure enough, I needed to throw up again, having to run out of the room to the toilet. Touka watched in amazement at first, then in confusion, then in disgust. Once I had finished, I sighed and got up slowly, cleaning my face in the sink. Kaneki wondered over and rubbed my back, relaxing me slightly.
"Why's she here?" I whispered.
"She was looking with me and we grew hungry, so I offered food at our house." He replied, as quietly as I had asked. I sighed again, turning around and looking up at him. He smiled softly, kissing my forehead.

Me and Touka had a death staring contest between us silently. I was shaking slightly, not showing weakness though. I was cold again. Kaneki let me sit on his lap, wrapping me in blankets and hugging me close. I smirked slightly at Touka, earning a scowl back.

"They're finally gone." I whined, chuckling slightly as Kaneki rolled his eyes. They ''guests'' were finally gone, and we were alone at last. I had managed to convince Kaneki to stay home tonight and cuddle, but from the look in his eyes, I think he wanted something else. Something slightly closer then cuddling.

Well bring it on.

I think we all know what is going to happen XD
Sorry for the slow updates, I'm super busy with school and starting my GCSE's. I'll try and update more regularly, but I might not be able to straight away

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