Chapter 3: Hide

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"Ayato. Open up. I need to talk to you." Touka knocked, probably that I need to go to either collage or get a part time job. Just imagine me with a job, ugh. I walked slowly to the door, opening it partly and slipping out. She raised an eyebrow but didn't question it.
"Two things. Why is there blood on your clothes? And also, my friend Kaneki and Hide are coming over, so either be nice, or stay in your room." She said, looking me straight in the eyes.
"I fall over, cutting my arms. And I'll probably stay in my room. I don't want to be around your friends that don't/didn't know I exist." I smirked, walking over to the fridge for a sandwich.
"Fine. I'm tell Hide today. And I know you wouldn't fall over everyday, show me your arms." She said, walking after me. I began sweating, knowing that if she saw my cuts, she would send me to rehab or something. I couldn't go there... A knock at the door saved me, Touka racing off to open it. I trudged over to my room, hearing two males at the door, one being familiar. Kaneki's.

'Their laughs are to loud...' I thought to myself, in my room in the dark. I was on my bed, one arm over my eyes, the other turning up the volume of my music.
"Gggrrrr." My stomach rumbled, interrupting my trail of thoughts. I sighed, turning the music off and taking my earphones out. I went to my bedroom door, about to open it when I heard Touka. Talking about my mother. I froze, looking at the floor. My mother... She died in a car accident, one that I witnessed, one that I was in... I watched her being crushed by a lorry. I was in the car with her at the time. I saw everything. I yanked the door open, Touka quieting. I walked to the fridge, feeling their eyes on me. I grabbed a cola and retreated to my room, hearing a quiet conversation.
"Touka, who's that?" Someone, Hide probably, asked, whispering.
"My brother. I was going to tell you at some point, but I guess you found out another way." She chuckled. Kaneki stayed quiet during their conversation.

Slamming my door shut, a single tear ran down my face, the thought of my mother sickening. She died to young... to young to leave the earth...

"Ayato? Come out, please." Touka asked, knocking at the door again. I grumbled and opened it, facing her. My cheeks were red, stained with tears, my eyes red from silently crying. She stared at me, slightly in sympathy, but mainly in shock to see I had been crying.
"What do you want?" I snapped, wiping my nose on the back of my sleeve. She lowered her eyes sight, pulling me into a hug.
"Were you thinking of mum?" She asked quietly in my ear. I didn't return the hug, but nodded silently.
"Is that it?" I asked, looking down.
"I was going to ask if you wanted to come and chat with us, but I guess you wouldn't." She said, and only then I noticed Kaneki and Hide still in the room. My cheeks went bright red as I pushed Touka away, slamming my door in her face.
"No!" I shouted through the door, sitting in a ball on my bed. I heard her sigh and left my door, going back to her friends. How dare she humiliate me like that... She knew I hated her hugging me, especially with people looking. "Fuck her..." I whispered, covering my face.
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Hi! Thanks for reading my stories so far. I am going to write more of my CielxAlois one, but I can't think of anything at the moment.

Also sorry for the explicit word in here, but I did warn you :)

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