Chapter 10: Hinami

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I was laying in bed, well actually, lying on top of Kaneki, his soft snores sweet in my ear. I sigh, my chest against his, my face near his, my feet nowhere near his (). I was staring at his smooth face, his jaw line sharp, his white bangs covering his smooth forehead, not something you would usually say...but oh well.

Hours later, we were walking in town, looking in windows and laughing at weird people. We were walking into a shop, when I felt someone touch my arm, but it was the other side to the one Kaneki was on... I turned to look, and found Hinami smiling and waving at me.
"Hi Ayato! I haven't seen you in years!" She spoke with such a cheerful voice that it hurt my ears. I smirked, looking down at my feet.
"More like a week." I muttered, chuckling slightly. She always made a fuss out of everything.
"Yeah, yeah. What ever. So, who's the new guy?" She asked, motioning over to Kaneki. "Friend or closer?" She pressed, poking me in the chest. I rolled my eyes, grabbing Kaneki's hand and holding it tight.
"Why's it matter? You jealous?" I said in a dopey tone, to annoy her. She scowled, Kaneki softly chuckling beside me. I began to walk off with Kaneki, but Hinami grabbed my arm again, pulling at me and turning me around to face her.
"Don't shut me out again druggie. I've known you for years." And with that she quickly pecked my cheek, turning, and running off into the crowd, disappearing. I muttered to myself, quietly cursing Hinami. She called me druggie to get my attention, also because she is the only other person who knew about my addiction.

"What she mean by druggie?" Kaneki asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I realised we were already home, and I hadn't said anything to him all day... Oops.
"Oh...Urm....nothing?" I questioned, not him, but myself. I told myself day in, day out to stop the drugs, but heroin is already in my blood stream, so it's there to stay.
"Ayato. Please tell me." Kaneki begged, backing me against the wall. Touka was at Hide's house for the night, so Kaneki was to stay with me, Touka had ordered.
I looked towards my feet, looking away from Kaneki's grey eyes, his soft features.
"I can't..." I whispered, a tear slipping from my left eye.
"You can't, or you won't? Just tell me, please." He said, his warm hand tilting my head up. How I missed his soft touch, his worry. I enjoyed it really.
"This is different, I can't and won't tell you." I snapped, anger burning in my eyes, my cheeks heating up. He smirked and lowered his head towards mine, closing the gap between us, out lips touching and my eyes fluttering closed, my once tense body relaxing. A soft moan left my lips as his free hand travelled down my chest, grabbing my belt. I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting him control me.
My legs now straddling his body, his bare chest inches away from mine, my back on the sofa, him laying on top of me, our lips connected. I wanted to go further, faster, but it was his turn to be Seme and my turn to be Uke. I pulled at his lip was my teeth, gaining a quiet moan. But I was soon to regret that because he slid one of his hands down my underwear, playing with me.
"Why did she call you a druggie?" He whispered seductively in my ear. I shivered, shaking my head slowly.
" I won't tell...AAHH" I mustered the strength to say, moaning at the end, his fingers stroking my member, his teeth nibbling on my ear.
"Tell me. Now." He ordered, moving to suck my neck.
"I DO HEROIN...!!!" I shouted/moaned covering my face with my hands. I heard chuckling... did I?
"Wake up..."

My eyes snapped open, tears pouring out of them. Kaneki stood next to me, a shocked expression on his face.
"Her...heroin...? Why...?" He asked, holding my hands tight. Shit... I just yelled out my secret...

Hey! I am alive. I promise! Sorry for not updating at all, I had writers block. I will try to update more often now, I hope. Also, I'm not going to add anymore to the CielxAlois fanfic. Sorry...

In this chapter, Hinami is the same age as Ayato, and for any new readers, Ayato is 4 years younger then Kaneki.

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