Chapter 8: Touka

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Hi. This chapter is going to be a flashback to when Ayato and Touka were young and with their father. Enjoy!!

"Papa! We found a birdie!" I squealed, both me and Touka running into the house, Touka holding an injured bird in her hands. Our father looked it over and rapped a small bandage around its wing.
"Don't worry, it's just sprained it's wing. You two should look after it until it gets better." Our father said, standing up and going back to cook the food. We both smiled at the bird and ran to our shared room.
"We need to get worms for it!" Touka exclaimed happily. I squirmed, the thought of worms disgusted me. Their wiggling pick fleshy body in the dirt...
"YUCK!" I stuck my tongue out, shaking my head and over exaggerating my disgust. Touka chuckled and grabbed my arm, dragging me outside to find worms for the little bird.

After we (well Touka) found a jar full of worms, we went inside and fed the bird. As Touka held the worms up for the bird to take, I watched it swallow them, seeing the fleshy thing going into the mouth.
We treated it like a pet, feeding it and cleaning it. When the day came to let it go, both of us were upset, seeing it fly into the trees and to it real family.

~time skip to the present day~

I love looking back on those days, when me and Touka were close, more like siblings. But now, her friends had no idea I existed, and that I hide my self harm and other things from her. To think, both parents gone, university, and left with a younger brother, I can't see how Touka hasn't gone insane yet.

Our father died when I was 13 of a heart failure. It was unexpected and shockingly sad for family. Our mother had died a horrible way in a car crash. It seemed like a curse had fallen upon my family soon after I was born. It wasn't right... And I was determined not going to die like that, but that had been broken one to many times...

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