Chapter 5: Kaneki II

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I knocked lightly against the door, the cuts on my arms stinging as fresh blood stained my jumper.
"Ayato?" Kaneki asked, opening the door and looking down at me. I took the phone out of my pocket and handed it to him, his face changing to relief as he took it. His cool fingers brushed mine, making me blush hard, probably enough that he could tell.
"Would you like to come in?" He asked, pocketing his phone. I nodded slightly, trying to hide the blush on my face. I walked in after him, looking around the small apartment, books pilled high and bookshelf's full of Japanese history, English literature and other things that I had no clue about. I looked around further, finding a TV, but no Xbox or PlayStation. Boring.
"Want a drink?" He called out from a room, which I decided must be the kitchen.
"Sure, what do you have?" I replied, walking over and finding a small kitchen, a cooker, a fridge, a sink and a couple of small cupboards.
"Cola, lemonade and coffee." He said, looking over at me. I looked back into his grey eyes, the whiteness of his hair reflecting in them.
"Urm...cola...please." I muttered, looking away, first and the ceiling, then at the floor. I heard a faint chuckle and the fridge being pulled open, the clink of the metal cans. A cola was pushed into my hands, the cold of the drink freezing my hands.
"No problem." Kaneki smiled, looking down at me, then drinking some of his lemonade. Silence filled the air, the awkward tension making it hard for me to drink normally. What are these feelings? Why are they around when I'm near Kaneki? Questions flew through my head, making me slightly dizzy.
"Ayato, what's the blood on your sleeves?" He asked, breaking the silence. I went bright red, looking at the floor and moving the can around in my hands.
"N..nothing." I lied, putting the drink on the side, putting my hands behind my back. He raised an eyebrow, walking closer to me.
"Really? Blood doesn't come from nothing." He smirked, putting his can down and pulling my arms around in front, the dark red-brown on my black jumper turning red on his fingers. I tried backing away, pulling out of his grip, but he backed me into a wall, my back against it. He tugged one sleeve up, but before he could get a proper look, I kneed him in the groin, pushing him away from me and then I legged it out of the apartment, running home.

"Your home fast, Ayato. Something wrong?" Touka asked, watching me run into my room and slam the door shut.
"Nothing. Stay out of my room." I yelled, covering my face with my pillow. He wasn't going to find out and tell Touka, not if I could help it.

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