Chapter 12: Juuzou Suzuya

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Hey! Yay an update! So, I just wanted to say that I don't actually know what heroin does to you with after affects, so I just said what I did. Just to clarify that :)

It's been around about half a year since I met Kaneki. It's been around 5 months since we started to develop something. It's been around 1 month since he found out about my addiction and self harm issues. It's been a long time without him leaving me...

We sat on a bench in the park, our fingers interlaced and a small blush permanent on my face. I loved being around him, he made me feel save and protected, like a fatherly figure. It was quiet until 'Suzuya' showed up. He came running over and began talking to Kaneki, My Kaneki. I sat there quietly, holding Kaneki's hand tightly, making it obvious that I was still there. Juuzou was a strange kid. He had been raised by an abusive mother, or random woman, and when he escaped, he sew red arrow shapes down his arm, on his lip and under his eye. He had white hair with two red clips in to hold back his fringe, his clothing consisting of a shirt and trousers held up by elastic things. I don't know or care what they are.

After a while, I was beginning to get bored and tired, side affects of the heroin. So being me, I stood up, letting go of Kaneki's hand and walking home, going to dose up again. But I didn't get far. Kaneki ran up behind me and picked me up, his arms around my waist.
"Where you going?" He asked, placing me down, leaning his chin on my shoulder.
"Home. I'm bored and tired." I said simply, trying to unwrap his arms. He smirked and held me tighter, chuckling slightly. I heard someone else chuckling with him, so I snapped my head around to see Juuzou. I growled slightly in my throat, letting go of Kaneki's arms, reaching out to try get him. Kaneki held me in place, talking to Juuzou like nothing was happening. He finally had enough and let go of me suddenly, causing me to lurch forward and fall onto the grass. I sat up, spitting out grass and glared at Kaneki, showing him I wasn't amused. He walked over coolly to me, his hand touching my face as he wiped away the mud. I stuck my tongue out and stood up, rubbing grass off my top.
"If this stains, your buying a new one." I grumbled, seeing the mud. He chuckled and nodded, rubbing the back of his head.
"Yeah sure. Hey, Ayato. Urm, is it alright if you stay with me tonight? Juuzou needs a place to stay, and I have a spare bed in my house, so.." He asked, looking at the ground.
"But there's only one spare bed. Where would I sleep?" I asked, staring at him, blushing furiously when he looked up and winked.
"Oh..okay.. sure." I stuttered, feeling his hand take mine. We walked for awhile until we got to Kaneki's house. I had kept my eye on Juuzou, not yet fully trusting him. Walking in, I went to the sofa and turned the tv on, switching between channels before finding the one I wanted. Kaneki sat next to me, and Juuzou sat on the seat nearby.

I woke to find the tv still on, but I wasn't in the room anymore. I was in Kaneki's room, in bed, in his pyjamas. I blushed and stood up, opening the door slightly to see him and Juuzou talking. I couldn't hear anything weird, so I shut it again and went back to bed, falling asleep instantly. After a while, I felt warmth near me, a warm arm around my waist. I hugged the figure back, curling up against his chest.
"Night, Ayato Krishima." Kaneki whispered, before being pulled into a deep sleep. He mumbled something inaudible, but it sounded like "I love you." I just smiled.

~~~~time skip~~~~
Touka is screaming at me, again for the third time today. She had first found the blooded razors in the bin, then found the bandages in the bathroom gone. Now, she was screaming at me because earlier, she had grabbed my wrists to take me somewhere, but I yelled out in pain, fresh cuts being there. She pulled up my sleeves and gasped, slapped me and began crying. She is now giving me that parental talk that most parents do when they find their child cuts. But she is doing it with slapping and threats against my life. I just sat there, covering my ears, daydreaming most of the time. My cheek was soon bruised and swollen, turning slightly purple. I was still sat there, daydreaming when I heard Touka on the phone. She was saying something about me, and that the person needs to pick me up now, and keep me with them. I hope it's Kaneki. That would be good. I wouldn't mind that. She probably was talking to him since he's the only one she trusts with me, also the only one I would talk to.

Surely enough, Kaneki turned up at the door and I was ordered to pack my bag. Touka thanked him over and over, say that she couldn't take it anymore. I packed all my clothes and other things, including the heroin. I'm sure if I keep it hidden I should be fine...

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