Surprise, Surprise

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I followed Mikey out of my room. Leo was getting Sophie and Raph and Donnie were already out and waiting for us. Mii-wa and Splinter were in the entrance to the dojo, standing shoulder to shoulder.

We each took a seat on the couch or the floor. Splinter had his hands behind his back and looking at each of his with unreadable amber eyes.

Three of us were on the edge of our seats, waiting what the verdict was with Naomi because all of us knew that it was about her.

With a sideways glance at Mii-wa Splinter said, “You may be wondering about Naomi by now.”

“Are you seriously asking us that?” Sophie asked, being one of the three of us on the edge of their seats.

“Yes,” Splinter nodded. “And no.” All of us looked a little confused.

“Well, if you’re curious about Naomi, maybe you should ask her.” Mii-wa said, moving to the side. Splinter followed her movements, only moving to the other side.

Between them appeared Naomi, leaning on a wall and a bandage around the place where the bullet went in.  She was looking at the floor with a far-off look before looking up to view us.

“Hey,” she said casually.

“‘Hey’?” I repeated, getting up and walking up to her. “You save my life, nearly die, and the first time I see you after the incident, you casually say ‘hey’?” I was in her face now. She hadn’t flinched at all.

Her blue eyes seemed a little clouded and troubled. Or was that pain? She nodded once, “Yep. Sounds about right.”

I backed up and started muttering gibberish, “You. Kraang. Ghs n oahd ahdggf You…”

“You don’t know how to respond to that, do you?” she asked, getting up of the wall. Instantly, she put a hand on the part where the Kraang shot her. It made me flinch back, knowing it was partly my fault.

“And when did I say it was your fault?” Naomi asked. “I jumped in front of that bullet.”

“But to save my shell.” I growled.

She came up to me, then whispered, “Do you think you would’ve survived?”

That made me think. “Maybe?”

“Do you not think I read your future too?” she whispered more. “If you would’ve taken that hit, you wouldn’t be here right now.”

“Then how do you survive?” I asked softly.

A smile crossed her face and she backed up, “I’m Naomi. Do you not know how mysterious I can possibly be?”

“Naomi,” Donnie interrupted. “How’d you heal so quickly?”

Her gaze shifted to him, “Well, I had two amazing Sensei’s and six friends waiting for me, right?”

Sophie nodded, “That’s true.”

I saw Raph get up and come up to Naomi. I backed up, allowing him room, but what happened next completely stumped us all. He hugged her. Raphael, the hard-as-stone warrior just hugged Naomi!

“Don’t scare me like that again…” I heard him whisper to her. Then his head tilted toward her a little and I think he kissed her cheek or something.

Naomi looked at him a little then cleared her throat, “Not to be a buzz kill or anything, but the others are watching…”

With a quick step back, Raph backed up and put his hands to his sides tightly, blushing a little. Even Splinter was looking at him a little shocked. Donnie had his jaw dropped and Leo, Mikey, and Sophie were a just looking at him like he was about to get cursed or something.

“So now you guys think I’m a witch, huh?” Naomi asked.

The three shook their heads quickly.

“Naomi,” Splinter finally spoke up. “Will sleep in the dojo until we know that she can move and fight without reopening her wound and perhaps create her demise.”

“But I like my room…” Naomi muttered.

“But you would be closer to medical supplies if you slept in the dojo.” Mii-wa pointed out.

Crossing her arms, Naomi agreed reluctantly, “Fine. But how long?”

“For maybe a week at most.” Mii-wa answered.

“I give it three days,” Donnie said. “If she healed that fast, then I give it three days.”

Sophie and Leo nodded in agreement. Then everyone headed in their separate directions, mostly into their rooms. I needed some time to think anyway.

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