School's Out From Kraang

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We ran into Mii-wa on the way up.

“Sensei!” I exclaimed. She looked at us. “Where’s April’s high school?”

“Want me to take you?” Mii-wa asked calmly.

“Please!” Leo exclaimed.

Donnie added, “She may be in trouble!”

“Alright then,” Mii-wa nodded. “Follow me.”

Each of us nodded, except Raph, and we headed to the roofs while Mii-wa ran on the sidewalks and streets. At one time, I thought we had lost her. But Naomi found her again using her mind.

When we reached the high school, Mii-wa showed us, “The front door should be unlocked. Good luck.”

“Whoa,” Sophie said. “You’re not coming with us?”

“No, I have to stock up the fridge with all sorts of food items.” Mii-wa answered, looking directly at Mikey. He just smiled.

She left and left us alone. Leo turned to Naomi, “Read anything?”

“I don’t have a book,” Naomi answered, crossing her arms.. Leo gave her an annoyed look and she smirked and answered correctly, “I hear April, but that’s it.”

“Let’s go look anyway,” I said, wanting to go in the school. Everyone followed and Mikey came up beside me. I whispered to him, “What do you think it’s going to be like?”

“A school,” Sophie sighed as she passed us to open the doors. “It’s just a school. Seriously.”

So Sophie opened the doors and allowed the rest of us to pile in. Mikey and I widened our eyes in awe.

“Whoa…” Mikey breathed. “So this is what school’s like!”

“It’s awesome…” I said. Turning to Donnie I said, “Donnie! Donnie! Mikey and I might actually learn more if you taught us here.”

“You’re seriously going to break into a school every night?” Naomi asked us as she passed with Raph. “There’s cameras everywhere.”

“Are they on now?” Raph asked, coming up to some kind of sensors that went off as he walked between them with his Sais in his hand. He jabbed one of his Sais in the side barrier, but the alarm still went off. He jabbed his Sais again and again in the metal until the alarm died down.

“No,” Naomi smirked. “But those alarms are.”

“Oh shut up…” Raph muttered. He looked up and saw an old lady standing with her back to us. “Well now I feel stupid…”

“What surprise is that?” Sophie asked from her position beside Leo. Raph turned to glare at her, but Leo stepped in front of Sophie to block Raph. I gave Sophie a high three and smirked.

Leo sighed, looking at the old lady, “April needs to learn that T-Phones are for emergencies only.”

“Leo, something’s not right…” Naomi muttered. “I can’t read her…”

That’s when the lady’s head turned to face us. Only the head, not the body too, just the head. It made me flinch back.

“Ap--Ap--April O’Neil?” the lady asked.

I got out my swords, “This isn’t a lady!”

“Aw, sewer bunnies…” Raph muttered.

Then the lady had her body turn around the rest of the way. She raised her arms and had her elbows facing us when they turned into giant guns. We jumped out of the way and landed on the nearby stairs.

Mikey turned to Leo and said, “Leo, I think this is--”

“An emergency, I know!” Leo sighed, getting up.

“Then why didn’t you say so?!” Naomi growled, getting up as well and running off down the halls.

“And she runs…” Sophie muttered as she got out her Wakizashi. “I hate Kraang!”

“How do you know this is Kraang?” Donnie asked.

“Naomi wouldn’t have ran.” Sophie pointed out with a duh-like voice.

“Watch out!” Leo called, knocking the two out of the way as another attack aimed at them.

I jumped up and tried to jab the robot, but she started shooting at me through her eyes! Ducking out of the way, we regrouped and huddled together. Leo was at the front and the rest of us followed formation.

Pointing a sword at the robot, Leo said, “Alright guys, time to put old mother Hubbard back in her cupboard.” All of us groaned in uselessness.

Raph continued it by saying, “It is exhausting listening to you sometimes.”

Getting tired of their arguing, I jumped up to the robot again and started to try and find an opening so that it could short-circuit. Using one sword, I feigned an attack at the ‘bot’s leg. It went to kick my sword away so while it was busy with that one, I used my other sword to slash the face off.

“Gyah!” I screamed, jumping back as I did. “Not scary at all!”

Leo gasped and turned to Mikey, “Mikey! The water fountain!”

“I know!” Mikey exclaimed, looking at the fountain. “School has everything!”

“No!” Sophie growled, coming up and pressing the button to spray the water. The pipe pressure must’ve been really bad because the water shot out of the fountain and hit the Kraang ‘bot from about three feet away.

“Oh…” Mikey muttered. “I knew that.”

“Sure,” Sophie rolled her eyes. She came up to me and helped me up. “You okay?”

“Fine.” I breathed. “Is that seriously a Kraang?” Everyone gathered around it.

“Yep…” Leo said, kicking the robot in the abdomen.

Donnie looked up, “April… April! Where are you?”

A door opened near us and April came out with Naomi. April came up and kicked the robot’s head hard. “Take that you creepy lady!”

“You’re okay!” Donnie exclaimed, spreading his arms like he wanted a hug. April looked at him weirdly and he got the memo, so he lowered his arms and just patted April on the head lightly. “That’s a good thing… that you’re okay…”

I picked up the face of the Kraang and gave it to Mikey. He took it while the others were talking and put it up to his own face. I started laughing. Mikey must’ve been listening because he said, “Then the Kraang are a part of the World Wide Geno Project!”

Raph turned to face Mikey and screamed out when he saw Mikey having the Kraang face up to his own. I had to start laughing even worse. Naomi came up and said, “Now this is one Kraang battle that I’ll join.”

Everyone smiled in relief and headed out of the school, Mikey and I disappointed for leaving.

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