Why Donnie's Face?!

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We all got out of the Go-Carts and just hung around the alleyway, trying to think of something. Naomi was in the shadows meditating, Raph was leaning against the Go-Carts, Donnie was trying to get his T-Phone to start working again, Mikey and I were sitting on a dumpster, Leo was thinking, and Sophie was looking around for something. Don’t know what, just something…

“I know!” Mikey announced, getting down from the dumpster. “We ask Leatherhead!”

“Leatherhead!?” Donnie nearly screeched. “You realize he likes to grab me by the face and shake me like a rag doll, Mikey!”

“I know,” Mikey smiled. “And he likes to grab you by the face and shake you like a rag doll!”

Donnie glared at Mikey and he slowly scooted back.

“But he has a point, Donnie,” Leo said, coming up. “Leatherhead was the one who took the Power Cell from the Kraang in the first place, so it’s only natural to go ask hi where he got it.”

“Wow,” Sophie scoffed. “Mikey was right?”

“Surprisingly, yes,” Naomi sighed, bowing her head. She got up off the wall. “Leatherhead will lead us the way to the Power Cell because I, for once, don’t know where the Kraang hid it.”

“But all they are, are brains,” I pointed out, looking at Naomi. “How can you not know?”

“Because I don’t, okay?” she snapped at me, jumping in her Go-Cart , starting it pup, unlatching it from the others and driving away.

“Where are you going?” Sophie called after her.

“Maybe Leatherhead?” Mikey guessed. Donnie whacked him upside the head. “Ow!”

Raph got in his Go-Cart and drove off as well.

“And there goes two…” I muttered.

“Let’s go.” Leo sighed, getting in his own. “Before we loose them!”

Taking the hint, we each jumped in our own and each separated, following after Naomi and Raph. They were ahead of us quite a ways, but we saw them turning and stopping.

Eventually, Naomi stopped her Go-Cart in one alley and popped the cover up, jumping down. Raph followed and then us when we got there. The two were waiting down in the dark, so Naomi scared us when she started walking by us.

After a ton of walking and avoiding some broken and slashed Kraang parts, we reached a lighter area of sewer and saw Leatherhead sleeping. Donnie gulped loudly and we each looked at him.

“Aw, he’s so cute when he’s sleeping!” Mikey cooed.

“Well, one of us has to wake him,” Sophie said.

Silence before everyone but Mikey said, “Not it!” I even said it, not going to deny it…

“Yes, I win!” Mikey cheered. I laughed and then he looked around before shaking his head. Raph and Naomi came up behind him and pushed him toward the mutant sleeping alligator.

Each of us were keeping our distance as Mikey poked and prodded Leatherhead to wake him up. “Leatherhead… Wakey wakey, eggs and bacey.”

Slowly getting up, Leatherhead roared out, making Mikey look a little scared and me running up and snatching him away as Leatherhead slammed his front paw where Mikey was just at. Leatherhead growled and turned to Donnie, snatching him by his face.

“He’s got me by the face again!” Donnie screamed. “Someone get me down!”

“Got’cha!” Sophie called out. She ran up and grabbed Donnie’s legs, trying to pull him down. “He’s too strong!”

“Not like that! Not like that!” Donnie screeched.

Mikey got out of my grip and ran up to Leatherhead, “Leatherhead! It’s Michelangelo, bro! Turn off the crazy eyes.”

Growling, Leatherhead was about to grab Mikey, but then stopped. I breathed out and fell on my knees, holding the place on my front shell where my heart was. “Man, Leatherhead…”

Donnie was set down and he turned to Leatherhead and snapped, “Why do you keep grabbing my face? What is wrong with my face!?”

“Would you like the order of alphabetical, or descending order of grossness?” Raph asked. Naomi and Sophie started laughing and then we gathered around Leatherhead.

“Sorry that I went crazy on you all again…” Leatherhead rumbled. “I trust you. That’s why I gave you the Power Cell to begin with.”

“Heh,” Mikey chuckled. “Funny story…”

“A true one.” I continued.

“Wait,” Donnie snapped at us. “Before you start, let me take me and my face one small step back.” instead of taking a small step, he took five big ones. “Okay, you can tell him!”

“We, uh, lost the Power Cell…” Leo sighed.

“To the Kraang…” Sophie finished.

Growling, Leatherhead ran forward and grabbed Donnie by the face again.

“Gyah!” I heard Donnie scream. “Why my face!?”

Coming back, Leatherhead growled and put Donnie down. “You tried everything to get it back?”

“Well…” Mikey started, but I covered his mouth.

“Yes!” I said quickly. “That’s exactly what happened!”

“So we came to you, wondering where you got the Power Cell to begin with,” Leo explained, trying to be as calm as he could.

“I don’t remember…” Leatherhead admitted. All of us groaned, except Naomi who was now relaxing in a creepy corner. “But I do remember a symbol.”

“What’s it look like?” Sophie asked, coming forward.

Using a claw, Leatherhead drew a symbol that was different than what I’ve ever seen. Donnie got out his T-Phone, which was working again apparently, and took a picture of it.

“Thanks, Leatherhead.” Donnie nodded, flinching back when Leatherhead nodded back. “Alright, let’s go. We’re done here…”

“I give the orders, Donnie, not you.” Leo sighed. “But let’s go.”

We all headed back up, got our Go-Carts and headed for our own sewer section, Donnie staring at the symbol the entire way.

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