Problems Between Brothers

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After Naomi had allowed me to meet Reiley, I just took off to the lair. Raph was already taking his so-called leadership duties to the test. He was making Donnie figure out where Snakeweed’s lair was. Donnie was drawing circles around the areas where we had seen Snakeweed. I think the plan was that if he drew enough circles, Donnie’ll find the epicenter and then we go check there or something.

“Work faster,” Raph ordered.

“I’m working as fast as I can,” Donnie sighed, looking up at Raph.

“You’re not working fast enough.”

“Raph,” I sighed. “He might mess up if he goes any faster, and then where will we be?”

“I’ll slap both of you,” Raph growled.

“Working faster…” Donnie stated, thinking quicker while circling faster.

I spun on my heel to leave, “Shutting up now.” As I was about to open the door, Leo and Sophie walked in.

“Oh,” Leo muttered. “Sorry, Mikito.”

“You’re good.” I said.

Mikey was sitting on a roller chair and he saw Leo. “Aw, have you been crying?”

Looking closely, Mikey was right. Leo’s eyes did seem a little red. “What happened?”

“Nothing important,” Leo said, pushing past Mikey and I.

“Ah hah!” Donnie cheered. “I think I found Snakeweed’s lair.”

“Where?” Raph and Leo asked.

Without really thinking it thorough, Donnie continued, “On the corner of fifty-seventh street and--”

“Stop, Donnie.” Raph snapped. He turned to Leo. “Your on a not-needed-to-know business.”

Leo and Raph glared at one another for a little bit before Leo took a deep breath and sighed, “Fine.” He left the room, Sophie following closely behind him.

Donnie paused a bit and I looked around the room. Only Raph was the only one who wasn’t disappointed about Leo leaving again. When Raph looked at Donnie, Donnie continued to say where Snakeweed’s lair was, so we hightailed it out of there.

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