Karai (Leo POV)

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Pacing, pacing, pacing. Raph can really tick you off when he hit’s the right nerve. Guess I can’t really say the same for the others. Somehow, he doesn’t really bother them as much. Only me. Sometimes Mikey, but he only picks on him.

“Leo,” Sophie said from where she was. She was sitting down on a water tower watching me pace back and forth. “Calm down, please?”

“Why?” I asked. “Raph did this.”

She jumped down, landing softly on the concrete. Walking up to me, she stopped in front of me, making me pause from my pacing. “That doesn’t mean you are him. Don’t let him get to you.”

“You think I don’t try?” I sighed. “It’s just that I get all the heat and he doesn’t seem to get how I feel.”

Sophie stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek, which really made me pause and think about what I was doing. “Oh, he will. And when he does, he’ll apologize. Big time. He’s not exactly the smartest planner like you are.”

I looked at her and smiled weakly, my anger going down a little, “Thanks, Sophie.”

“No problem.” she smiled back, a little more brighter than mine was. The smile soon disappeared and she got her Wakizashi out, “Look out.”

Turning around, I saw FootClan ninjas gathering around. I got out my Katana swords, “You guys just made my day.”

Both Sophie and I began knocking out the Foot without really trying. When we thought it was over, Sophie put her weapon up. She was standing in front of a billboard. While she was about to walk away from the pile of Foot she was surrounding, someone landed on top of her, slamming her sword hilt on Sophie’s head, knocking her out.

“Sophia!” I cried. Glaring at the person who did it, I nearly dropped my jaw.

“Hi,” the newcomer said. “Name’s Karai.”

Although I wasn’t sure why she was introducing herself, I sorta stammered.

Then, before I knew what was going on, she popped something open on her Wakizashi hilt and jerked it toward me. Smoke came at me. Tear gas! Coughing, I tried to see where I was going, but Karai knocked me down, pointing her sword point at me.

“Not much of a challenge, are you?” Karai asked. Thankfully for me, she sheathed her sword again. “I’ll talk with you again.” then jumped down off the roof.

Getting up, I started coughing again. I remembered Sophie and hurried over.

“Sophie?” I managed out.

She didn’t answer, so I picked her up, slipping my one arms under her under and the other under her neck. Surprisingly, she wasn’t that heavy, so I wasn’t really having an issue going down to the sidewalk.

Before I opened the sewer cap, Sophie began moving and I looked down, “Sophie? You okay?”

Groaning, her hand reached up to touch the place where Karai hit her, but she flinched back. “Ow… What happened?”

“Some FootClan ninja called Karai,” I replied, setting her down gently. “You fine to walk?”

“Yeah. Just a massive headache.” Sophie looked up at me. “Were you crying?”

“No,” I shook my head. “Karai also had some Tear Gas with her.”

“Well that’s not very fair.” Sophie said, raising a hand and trying to clear some of the still-falling tears off my face. “Are you sure you wanna go down there like that?”

“I need to see what the others are up to.”

“Alright. Come on.”

She popped open the cover and we jumped down, me closing the lid after us. We walked into the lair. Nobody was seen, but Sophie pointed at Donnie’s lab door and there were voices. Sighing, I opened up the door.

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