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Raph and Leo began arguing over who would be leader. Sophie, Donnie, Mikey and I just stood back and watched.

“You let him get away!” Raph growled.

“I did not!” Leo snapped.

“You’re the one who wanted to waste time and attack from above.”

“If you hadn’t questioned my orders in the first place, we would’ve caught him.”

“Well don’t make stupid orders so I don’t question them.”

They glared at one another and Mikey began inching forward. I grabbed his shell and stopped him before he got into any kind of trouble with the two.

“If you have such an issue with me leading,” Leo growled. “Then why don’t you lead?”

That got Mikey. He escaped my grasp somehow and came between the two, “I’ll compromise this. I’ll lead.”

Both glared at Mikey. Coming up, I dragged him back again. “Why not Naomi?” I asked.

Everyone paused and thought about that. She was leader-worthy. At least a little. For a few seconds, it was silent and the tension wasn’t as bad as when Leo and Raph were arguing.

Finally, Raph shook his head, “No. It’ll feel weird for a girl to lead me.”

A sound of movement came from behind Raph and whacked him upside the head, “Well, this girl can at least kick your shell.” Naomi smirked and jumped over him, using Raph’s head to land in front of me. “Besides, I’m not going with you guys tonight.”

“Can you at least warn us before you start scaring our shells off?” Donnie asked. “Seriously.”

“It takes out the fun of it.” Naomi grinned evilly.

Leo turned to Raph, “You can try leading!” he then left.

I looked over at Sophie who was torn between staying and going. Nudging her gently, I gestured to Leo and she smiled, “Thanks.” and left with him. I smiled.

Mikey looked troubled. Walking over to him, I set my hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, Mikey. Leo’ll be back. He just needs some time to cool down.”

Donnie came up, noticing that Mikey’s expression didn’t change, “You were talking about the pizza guy, weren’t you?”

Nodding, Mikey muttered, “Yeah.”

“Course.” Donnie sighed. “Now what?”

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