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Nobody really had to explain anything to Naomi when happened with the Rat King because, again, she already knew. And Splinter still hasn’t let her leave the dojo. She was pretty upset by that…

The next night, however, we all stayed under just to relax and watch Splinter in case something like that happened again. We weren’t sure if Rat King stopped trying to go after Splinter.

But I wasn’t wanting to stay down here all night, so I was starting to head up when Sophie stopped me.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“Up.” I replied. “Alone.”

She shook her head, “No way. You never know what’s up there. Dogpound, Kraang, Purple Dragons, and even Rat King now.”

“True…” I muttered. “Then come on.”

Without another word, we headed up. Jumping around, we heard the ice cream truck and ran over. We waited until the guy got out and looked around before going in a store again.

“Ice cream time!” Sophie smiled, jumping down. I followed her and when I came down, she was already in the back, lock broken. We took our flavors and headed back up to the roofs. Silently, we ate in peace until I heard glass break and screaming.

“You hear that?” I asked, finishing my orange pop.

Sophie slurped hers down to answer, “Yeah. It came from that direction.” she pointed in one direction. “Should we go check it out?”

“Of course.” I nodded, throwing my trash in an alley, hopefully aiming for a dumpster. “Let’s go.”

Running over the roofs, we found the source real quick. A girl was running from some Purple Dragons. She had cuts over her, so I think she was the one who broke through the glass I heard shatter.

“Hey!” I heard a Purple Dragon call out. “Get back here!”

The girl continued running before turning in an alley that I knew was blocked off. We stopped on the roof before the alley, looking down. Purple Dragons blocked off the only exit that was available.

“You’re fast, kid.” the leader smirked. “Never thought you could give the Purple Dragons a run for their money, did you?”

I grabbed Sophie’s shell and dragged her back, “We need a plan.”

“Well geez, you’re sounding like Leo.” Sophie scoffed. “You grab the girl and take her to the roof and I’ll deal with the Dragons.”

“You sure?” I asked. “There are five of them.”

“I’ll call out for you if there is an issue.” Sophie nodded, winking at me and jumping down to the heat.

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