Mysteries of a Sister

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The next day was just really lazy. We did do our nightly patrol, but nothing was out of the ordinary, as in no Foot, Shredder, or giant mutants roaming the streets besides us.

I was laying on the couch watching Space Heroes with Leo. Sophie wasn’t here for once with us, so I assumed she was doing something. Until she jumped up from behind, screaming out and nearly jumping on me.

“Gyah!” I screamed, landing right behind Leo, my shell knocking against his. He turned around and hushed us. Getting up, I glared playfully at Sophie, and asked, “So what do you want?”

She sighed and sat down, “I’m bored and want to go skating.”

“That sounds like fun,” I smiled. Without looking around, I kicked Leo on his shell. “Yo, Leo, we’re going skating, care to join us?”

“Then I’ll get Mikey,” Sophie said, getting up and going elsewhere.

Leo turned around to look at me and turned the TV off, “Sure.”

“Yes!” Mikey cried. “I’ll get the others!”

“I don’t think--” Sophie started, but Mikey was already going around and getting everyone off their shells.

“Get your skates and come on!” Mikey’s voice was heard everywhere at once. “We’re off! We’re off!”

Sophie came into view and sighed, “Does anybody know him?”

“Nope.” Leo shook his head. “I wonder why Splinter kept him this long.”

“I do,” nodded.

They both looked at me and then Sophie had to add, “Do I know you then?”

“Aw, come off it, Sophie,” Naomi said, coming in. “I think she’s had enough for one day, don’t you think?”

“What do you mean?” Leo asked.

“Dealing with Mikey is quite enough, yeah?”

“True.” Sophie and Leo said simultaneously.

“Hey!” I whined, but Mikey came up and cheered me up quickly. “Oh, hi, Mikey!”

“Ready?” he asked, having his skates tied to his waist strap.

I nodded and everyone else came in then, their skates in hand.

“Let’s go!” Leo announced, heading up with us all following.

Six of us following. It was crazy to think that there could be this many mutant Turtles roaming around. Naomi gave me a funny look. Well, there was now, currently, eight, one of us elsewhere.

Naomi chuckled and jumped over a roof, “It’s funny.”

“What is?” Raph asked.

“Although I can read minds and predict the future, I can still change the future.”

“Do what?” Donnie questioned. “That’s not possible!”

“I already did,” Naomi said, looking at me. “That Kraang fight could’ve killed Mikito.”

“It could’ve killed you,” Sophie came up and said it. “But you managed.”

“Mikito wouldn’t have.” Naomi spoke up without a care in the world. “And I’m going to change the future again, even it means changing who I am.”

“Oh great,” Raph grumbled. “How can you change more than you can?”

She didn’t answer as we stopped on the skating rink roof. With a click, Donnie opened the duct and we jumped through. Everyone was watching Naomi carefully, but she ignored our glances and slipped her blades on.

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