Splinter's Prediction

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Later that same day, everyone was in their individual places, relaxing or doing something to entertain them. I was watching Space Heroes with Leo and Sophie, Mikey and Raph were playing video games, Donnie was in his lab working on something, Naomi was meditating in the dojo and Splinter was training with himself I believe. 

About half way in the episode, I heard someone I've never really heard yell before, yell in pain. The boys knew instinctively who it was and jumped into the dojo, carefully followed by Sophie and I since Naomi was already in there. 

We all crowded around Splinter who was on the floor on his hands and knees. Leo helped him up, "Sensei, are you alright?" 

"I'm afraid not, Leonardo..." Splinter muttered, putting his hand on his head. 

Naomi looked at Splinter then backed up a few steps, mumbling something. We all looked at her, knowing something was going on that we didn't know. 

"What is it?" Leo asked. 

Looking at the ground, Naomi muttered, "Splinter's prediction..." 

"Splinter's prediction?" Sophie repeated. "You knew this was going to happen?" 

"Yes," Naomi looked at her. "But not so soon." 

Splinter looked at Naomi, "Yet you don't tell me?" 

"I try and forget about everyone's predictions!" Naomi snapped a little harshly at Splinter. "And if I tell them beforehand, they'll be cautious and it'll be worse when it does happen..." 

We all looked at her. No wonder why she doesn't like talking about her secrets. But most of her secrets will be more worse if we know about it? Wouldn't it be better to prepare for it? 

"Then who is it trying to get into my head?" Splinter asked. 

"His name's Dr. Falco," Naomi explained. "I don't know much about him because Mikito, Sophie and I weren't here while the boys fought him. All I know now is that he's trying to get inside your head to control you." 

"Anything else?" Splinter asked, one of his ears flicking weirdly. 

"I don't wanna say..." Naomi gulped. She gestured to us, "They'll find out as soon as April calls Donnie." 

"April will call me?" Donnie asked. Then his T-Phone rang. 

"That's just spooky..." Leo muttered as Donnie answered it. 

Raph and Mikey made kissy faces. I was about to say something to both of them, but Donnie pushed them both away, "Hey, April. I mean... April, hey." He paused as April began talking. "You need help?" another pause. "Okay, we'll be there." hanging up the phone, we all looked at Donnie. 

"Well?" I asked. 

"April's having a rat problem and she's stuck on a telephone pole..." Donnie explained. "Later!" and he ran out, the others following him. 

As we headed up, I said, "Maybe you shouldn't have said the rat problem in front of Splinter." 

"You never know how much that hurts his feelings." Leo nodded.

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