Finding Turtles (Raph POV)

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Again, I was alone with Naomi, but nothing was spoken between us. She kept her gaze on the path ahead, jumping over alleys as I did as well. It was an uncomfortable silence. I’m not sure why, it just was….

“So,” I tried. “What were you up to while we were trying to fight Snakeweed?”

She didn’t say anything as she rolled under a water tower. Getting up, she coughed before replying, “I think you’ll find out.”

“Okay…” I muttered, not really sure what to say.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa…” Naomi muttered, stopping on one roof and going to a different one silently. Well, more quieter than normal.

Without arguing, I followed her and tried to see what she was looking at. Pausing at a roof, she peered over an air conditioner. I followed her movement and saw Leo.

He was talking with a FootClan member! What the heck!? But that wasn’t the end. Behind the Foot, there was another Turtle!! This one with a navy blue bandana.

I turned to Naomi, “Really!? Another Turtle?”

“What?” she asked, looking at me. “I met her the day I went up to the surface. Even before you guys.”

“Wha…? You… Secret…” I stammered.

Chuckling, Naomi answered me, “You don’t know how to respond to that, do you?”

“No!” I snapped, crossing my arms. “Couldn’t you have told someone?!”

“I did,” she replied simply. “Sophie.”

I scoffed, “You told Sophie, but not your sister or your Sensei, or my Sensei, or even me?”

Naomi sorta looked confused when I said sister, but she got it quickly when I thought of Mikito. “Now, I did tell Mikito tonight. After you and Leo had your show-down. I told my Sensei when Mikito was asleep, for Splinter, he has yet to know, and for you. Heh, you just found out.”

“That’s not what I meant.” I scowled.

“I know.” she smiled innocently. “I just like annoying you in the smart way.”

“The smart way?”

“Mikey annoys you with the stupid way, Leo with the bossy way, and Donnie the know-it-all way. I want to annoy you with the less annoying, but smarter way.”

“You are about as confusing as Donnie.”

She smirked and shook her head, “Sure.”

I looked back at the Turtle, “So who is she?”

“Reiley.” Naomi put simply. “She reminds me of a mix of you and me.”

“What?” I repeated. “Is she a daughter or something that comes from the future?” With a more than startled expression came from Naomi, I quickly tried to fix what I said, “I-- I mean--”

“Well…” Naomi muttered, looking at the ground. “That was a little different….”

“This has gotten awkward….” I muttered, setting my chin on the conditioner. “Forget I said anything?”

“Agreed.” Naomi nodded. “Although that’ll be hard with me.”

“Aw come on!” I whined. Naomi laughed and I had to smile hopelessly at her. “You are just something else.”

“Always will be.” she said, looking at the three on the roof.

Suddenly, Leo got flipped by the human Foot with his arm twisted behind his back. The Turtle, named Reiley, stood with her arms crossed, waiting for her chance to get in the action.

Standing up, Naomi stretched her arms, “Well, then. Time to help Leo, then.”

“We have to help him?” I asked.

“Two against one.” she pointed out. “Yes.”

“But if we go, it’ll be three against two!”

“So? They’re Foot!”

“You have a point…” I muttered, jumping after her.

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