"Everybody Stop!"

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The boys began getting their weapons out. Of course I was going to fight them just to protect Olivia because I knew she was good, so I got out my own double swords.

“You can take on all of them?” Olivia asked.

“No,” I gulped. “I’ve only known three beings that could do that.”

“Are any of those three in this room?” she asked.

“Two, but I think only one will help.” we began backing up as the boys came dangerously closer.

That’s when Naomi jumped above the four and took Donnie’s staff from his hands, sweeping it in a large circle in front of them. They jumped back, avoiding getting whacked.

“Everybody stop!” she snapped, straightening up and twirling the staff then putting it parallel to her right arm. “You don’t know she’s with them any more. But I do.”

Poking me on the shell lightly, Olivia asked, “How does she know?”

I turned to her, “She’s a psychic. Reads minds, ya know?”

“Oh…” she nodded. “Yikes.”

“Yeah.” I muttered, putting my swords up. Even though Naomi had a stick staff, she could sure kick any shell if it still broke.

Everyone put their weapons up and looked at Naomi. Leo continued, “So if she’s not with the Purple Dragons anymore, why is she here?”

“Because she doesn’t like them anymore.” Naomi growled. “When Mikito saw her, this girl was being chased.”

“Name’s Olivia.” Olivia said behind me, still a little worried. I would be too. There were seven mutant ninjas and she was an ex-enemy of theirs. Lucky I was keeping an eye on her and Naomi me.

“Nice to meet you!” Mikey waved, completely forgetting what they were just about to attack her for. “I’m Mikey.”

Olivia waved back. She looked at me, “I’m going to go, but is it okay if I come back?”

“Sure.” I smiled.

Naomi came up and pointed the staff at Olivia, “I’ll be keeping an eye on you.”

“How?” she asked.

“I have my ways.” Naomi answered, turning around and giving the staff back to Donnie. She started in the dojo when Splinter stopped her.

I turned around and helped Olivia out, “Oh, hey!” I called for her. She turned around. “You got a phone?”

She held one up, “Yeah.”

“Here,” I offered my hand. She set it in my palm and I quickly put in my number. “I put my number in and if any of those Purple Dragons bother you again, just give me a call, okay?”

“Yeah.” she nodded. “You have a cell?”

“A T-Phone.” I admitted. “Donnie’s pretty smart. Alright, I’ll see you later then!”

Closing the cover, I walked back into the lair. Everyone was staring at me. Naomi and Splinter were gone, though. Maybe in the dojo.

“Are you crazy?” Raph asked me. “You just brought a Purple Dragon in here. What if she goes and tells the others?”

Leo sighed, “Raph, even Naomi said she was an ex-Dragon.”

“Mikito,” Donnie said, turning to me. “Did you get her number if she has one?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “You want to track it, don’t you?”

“Just for a precaution.” he nodded. I gave him my T-Phone and he retreated into his lab.

For a few minutes, I stood there, but as Donnie took longer, I began getting bored and went to go see what Naomi was doing. She was in the dojo like I expected, but talking with Splinter.

“Splinter,” Naomi said. “I need to do a few things this week, so I’ll need a staff, and to sleep in my own room. I’m strong enough to deal with nearly anything currently.”

“But Naomi,” Splinter spoke up. “Your wound has not healed over.”

“Does it look like a shell will heal over?” she asked. “I’ll be fine if I can get some new material…”

“Let me look at it, then.” Splinter told her. Leaning down, he unwrapped Naomi’s bandaging that was over her wound. When he undid it, the strap where her staff holder and the waist connected, a large gap was broken, nearly snapped.

Then there was the wound itself. The wound looked like a crooked diamond with cracks all over. Her shell wouldn’t heal over it, but I could see some of her flash healing just before the shell. Sorta like a scab for people.

Naomi looked up at me, “Mikito…”

Splinter looked at me as well, standing straight, “What are you doing, Mikito?”

“I, uh, just wondered if Naomi was well enough to go on patrol tomorrow.” I stammered a little, still a little shaken.

Both of us Turtles looked at Splinter. He sighed deeply, furrowing his white brows a little. “Fine, you may sleep in your room tonight and go on patrol. But if you need a weapon…”

“I’ll be fine without one, Master Splinter.” Naomi bowed. “Besides, if there is trouble, I can always take one of Mikito’s swords. She’s got two.”

“Very well,” Splinter nodded. “I will see you tomorrow then. Would you like to recover that?”

“No.” Naomi shook her head. “I’ll get some more fabric to make another strap.”

Without another word, Splinter left the two of us. I turned to Naomi and smiled weakly.

“Don’t even ask,” Naomi sighed.

“What was I going to ask?” I asked.

“You’re changing it now.” she looked at me.

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