Working and Training

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“Okay, remind me why we’re stuck in the lair?” Sophie asked me from on top of the Shell Raiser with Donnie.

“Because she actually controlled Leo’s mind,” I snapped, picking up something Pulverizor dropped again.

“She can’t control minds,” Sophie sighed. “Seriously. She can only predict the future and read minds, not control them. I think you’re getting them mixed up.”

“I am not,” I growled. Turning to Pulverizor I said, “Stop messing with things!”

Pulverizor picked up Donnie’s staff that was laying around. “Wicked staff!”

“You’re not going to break that like Raph did Naomi’s are you?” I asked him.

“No… and what?” Pulverizor asked.

I shook my head and walked away from him. Donnie was in front of Sophie molding something on top of the Shell Raiser. Sophie kept handing him different tools when he asked.

Pulverizor twiddled with the staff and then suddenly it flew through the air. It whacked me on the head and buzzed by Sophie’s head. She ducked in time and Donnie caught it in midair.

“How many pizza slices you wanna bet Naomi couldn’t do that?” Sophie asked.

“An entire box.” I replied.


Donnie, ignoring our conversation pulled up his protective eye gear and turned to Pulverizor. “Since I see you need to bother the staff--” Donnie gave the stuff to Sophie and jumped down. “And apparently, you must, let me show you some moves.”

“Donnie,” Sophie complained, looking at everything. “I don’t know what to doooo.” Instead of answering Sophie, Donnie and Pulverizor left for the dojo. “Thanks…”

“I’ll help, Sophie.” I said, jumping up. “I’ll give you the tools.”

“I don’t even know what Donnie was doing.” Sophie whined. “Arg… Naomi had better come quick…”

“She controlled Leo’s mind.”

“How do you know that? He could’ve just been agreeing with her.”

“Okay, you want proof?” I asked. “Fine. One, Leo said ‘Ow’ after he said what he said and two, Naomi had a very creepy grin and dark blue eyes.”

“She has Mikey-colored eyes, though.” Sophie acknowledged, looking around the Shell Rasier for any sign of what Donnie was doing not a few minutes before. “Not dark blue like Reiley’s bandana.”

“But she did!” I exclaimed, giving her a welding tool as she gestured for it. “They were nearly as dark as Reiley’s bandana, maybe darker.”

Sophie put on the protecting eye gear and welded some things to the Shell Raiser. “But I just don’t see Naomi putting that kind of talent for worse.”

“Do you not know Naomi?” I asked. “She’s a mind reader, knows what everyone’s doing, sneaks out--”

“She stopped doing that,” Sophie interrupted me.

“And she’s been keeping secrets.” I finished.

“Well,” Sophie said, making the welding tool go down and lifting the eye gear. “Have you counted the good and wholesome parts in Naomi?”

That made me open my mouth, then close it right back up, “No….”

“Let’s count, then, shall we?” Sophie smirked. “But first, could you give me that screwdriver?”

Grabbing it, I gave it to Sophie. “Here.”

“Thanks. Now let’s count from when you two were little because I wasn’t there.” Sophie said, continuing on the Raiser.

Thinking back, I remember when Naomi came into my room when thunder rumbled outside. She’d come in bed with me and cuddle up, promising she’d protect me. Then she had helped me up whenever I had fallen when I broke my ankle trying to get the cookie jar on top of the fridge. (Yeah, we had a fridge, but then something in it short-circuited and we hadn’t had one since until we moved into this lair.) Then those times when she’d teach me a move that I didn’t quite understand; she had put them in simpler forms, but yet the same move.

I explained all this to Sophie and she smiled, asking for a hammer. Giving it to her, she said, “You see? Naomi may seem scary on the outside, but on the inside, she has about as big of a heart as Mikey has with pizza and video games.”

“You compare Naomi’s heart to Mikey?” I asked. “You know she doesn’t like him.”

“Yeah, but it seemed like the only thing I could think of at the moment… Uh, I need the welding tool again, please.”

She gave me back the other tools and in return, I gave her the welding tools, “Now let me go through the list that has happened since I’ve been here. She’s saved your shell from the Kraang bullet and even to Justin now, Dogpound once if I can remember nicely, then she allows you to be free whenever you’re with Mikey.”

“Does that really count?” I asked.

“Maybe,” Sophie shrugged, killing the welding tool and looking at me. Her brown eyes glittered playfully. “Just because we get older, doesn’t mean we loose our love to the ones we’ve known for the longest time. And, even though Naomi has met Raph, she cares for both of you.”

“What about you?” I asked, jumping down from the Shell Raiser, Sophie following. “What nice things did Naomi do to you when she was out with you?”

“Basic stuff,” Sophie sighed, looking at her semi-dirty hands. “Not as much as you, though.”

“But…?” My T-Phone rang.

“That’s her now,” Sophie smirked. “She may not show love, but she gives you attention, so abuse it.”

I picked it up and sure enough, it was Naomi. “Mikito!”

“Naomi?” I asked. “What’s wrong.”

“Where’s Donnie?”

“I-I-In the dojo with Pulverizor, why?” I asked. Then quickly added, “Why not call him?”

“Mikey’s calling him,” Naomi sighed. “Get him.”

But before I could even take a step, Donnie was running in the garage dragging Pulverizor. “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”

“Why?” Sophie asked. “What’s wrong.”

“Put me on speaker,” Naomi’s voice said through the phone. I did and her voice echoed through the garage, “Raph’s been poisoned so get your shells here quickly!” then she hung up.

“That about sums it up,” Donnie nodded. “Pulverizor, can you drive?”

“I’ve been driving an ice cream truck all summer, but got fired not too long ago…” he answered a bit more than needed.

“Why?” Sophie asked curiously.

“Someone kept stealing the ice cream late at night.”

Looking at one another, Sophie and I held back a smile. Then I offered, “Can’t I drive?”

“No way!” Donnie quickly said, starting the Shell Raiser for Pulverizor. He turned to Sophie, “Did you fix what I asked?”

“I think so…” Sophie admitted.

“Ugh… I have to make the antidote for Raph. So, make sure you drive straight, Puverizor.”

“I’ll try.” he said silently.

I looked at my T-Phone then at Sophie. Naomi is one questionable Turtle…

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