Chapter 8: I Will Be Stronger

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Its been awhile since I talked with mom. I was really sad and mad of what she said to me past few months. Its still hurts. I can still feel it. The pain. Her hurtful words that teared me apart. They're still echoing in my ears and mind.

I sighed.

''Mom will be home tomorrow. How should I face her? What should I say? Is it my fault?'' a lot of questions running restlessly in my mind.

I remembered Sam's words when she was in the infirmary after the accident with Scarlet.

[ Flashback ]

The breeze was breath taking that evening. So peaceful. I could still remember Sam smiled on that peaceful day. I could see sparks in her eyes that made a part of me feels alive everytime I look at her green eyes.

''Sarah. What do you want to be when you grow up?'' that girl asked with a soft voice.

''I dont know. What about you?'' I looked at her.

''I have a lot of ambitions.'' she chuckled.

''Half of the times, I wanna be a counselor. I want to help people who is depressed, have problems such as bullies. I want to help them feel better about themselves.'' she continued.

I didnt say a word. I smiled.

''But the other times, I want to be a singer! I want to write songs and sing them in front of the audience. I'll make sure that my songs reach and touch their heart. Because thats the thing about music. When it hits you, you feel no pain.'' she said with a faint smile on her face.

''Thats great, Sam. I wish you all the best.'' I said.

''Sarah. If- just IF, Im no longer there to help you. Promise me, that you will get stronger. Stronger than before. Promise me that you wont hurt yourself. If life gets harder, you need to be tougher. I know you can. Promise?'' she looked at me in the eyes.

''I-I promised.'' I stuttered.

[ End of Flashback ]

She said that as if she's gonna left me forever.

''Is she going to move somewhere else?'' I thought to myself.

I looked out through the window. The wind blows through my hair. I can feel it flowing in me.

I let out a sigh.

''Well, lets just call it a day.'' I lied down in my bed and fall asleep and start dreaming. A place where there's no mean people, bully or hurtful words. Its just a peaceful world, where everyone respects each other and not judging each other.

[ Dream ]

Then I heard a voice. The voice called out for me. I turned around and saw Sam. She wore a long white dress. She looked like she was glowing by the light. She look angelic.

"Sarah. Meet your mom and explain to her. If you trust Sam in real life. Then you should trust me to in this dream. Wake up, Sarah. Wake up. Good things will happen. Sooner before you know it." she said.

Then I heard another voice.

[End of Dream]

"Sweetie, wake up. Sarah. Wake up.."

That voice is so soft. It echoes through my ears. I opened my eyes.

It was my mom. I woke up and saw my mom. I quickly sat up and looked away from her.

''What should I do now??'' I thought.

''M-Mom? You're back!'' I said.

''Honey, im sorry for what I said back then. I didnt mean it. I know you're hurting.'' she sits on my bed.

I can see the water in her eyes that full of regrets and guilty slowly streaming down her cheeks. I could feel my chest hurting like hell watching my mom cries in front of me.

''Mom, its okay. People say hurtful things when they're mad.'' I held back my tears and formed a smile.

Mom pulls me in her arms. I could feel her warmth. It feels comfortable. I hugged her.

''Get ready or you'll be late for school.'' she shed her tears and smiled.

I didnt say anything. I watch her as she left my room.

''Maybe Sam was right. Good things will happen sooner than I can imagine.'' I thought as I got ready for school.

I walked to school at a normal pace as usual. The weather is nice and calm.

I reached at the main gate. I stopped. I looked around. All I could see is people smiling at me. They didnt whisper or judge me.

''Morning, Sarah.'' Anthony greeted me.

''M-morning.'' I stuttered. No one ever greet me in the morning at school. I feel happy somehow that things starting to change for the better.

I walked to my class. I saw Scarlet and her dad, the Principal. They came to me.

''Come on, Scarlet. Apologize.'' he said.

''Wha? No, its okay, Mr Flyer.'' I refused.

''Its okay, Sarah. She needs to learn a lesson from what she did.'' he insisted.

''I-Im sorry, Sarah. Im sorry for what I did to you.'' Scarlet apologized.

''Its okay, Scarlet.'' I replied.

''Im glad we're done here. You can go to your class now.'' he sighed.

I entered my classroom and sit on my seat.

People started to gather at my seat. Some were apologizing, some were asking if I can be their friends and some just chat with me. I couldn't help but smile happily.

Someone then seat beside me, it wasn't Sam. It was my new friend. Somehow i felt bad because it was Sam's place.I looked at the door frame and saw Sam looking at me with a smile.

I was about to ask the girl beside me to get up. But Sam shook her head,she took a seat beside me and looked out the window.

No one seemed to realize Sam was here. She's alone.But she still kept the smile on her face. I saw her reflection from the window.She took out a sketchbook and began to sketch.

I went to Sam and sit next to her. As I opened my mouth to say something-

''So how does it feels like to have many friends?'' she gave me a faint smile.

''Its nice. Im happy. Thanks for saving me when im drown in my own thoughts.'' I said.

''I didnt do anything. Its you. I only give you hints, you made it come true. I know it hurts, but you gotta keep trying. Everything will be alright, maybe not today. But, eventually it will.'' she looked up in the sky.

I looked up in the sky.

''I promise, I will be stronger every time life hits me.'' I smiled.

A Spark Of Hope (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now