Chapter 16: The Unbearable Pain

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Sarah's POV

I went to the hospital everyday during the summer break. I went to meet a precious friend of mine who is dying alone.

Her skin becomes pale, her body becomes thinner and thinner, and the sparks in her eyes are fading every single day.

"Sam. You awake?" I went in her ward.

As I walked in, I saw a young girl, lying on the bed, fighting for her life. She turned at me and gave me her best smile.

"Hey." She greeted me.

I didnt say anything. I just smiled. She holds my hands tightly. I could feel the warmth of her touch. The warmth that will be gone. Soon.

My heart was teared into tiny little pieces, bit by bit thinking of it.


I looked at her as she called for me softly.

"Yes?" I answered.

She smiled and held my hand tightly.

"Don't think too much please." She struggled to make out the words.

I shushed her softly with my finger on her lips. Im holding back my tears for her sake. I dont want to make her worry about me.

"You will be okay, Sam. You will be okay." I looked down.

I have no guts to look at her in the eyes. Tears might run down my cheeks.

She smiled softly. She's wearing a snowcap. Her hair was gone. Her beautiful hair was gone. She's bald. It kills me to see her like this.

But never did I once heard her cry. She smiled at me all the time. She tried to be happy for me. She tried to fight against her pain. She hides her pain behind that precious smile of hers.

"I didnt go to school for quite a long time. How's everyone? I kinda missed Scarlet." She chuckled.

"Everyone is fine. They said they missed you. Especially Scarlet. They said that they will come and visit you at the hospital." I let it slipped out.

She looked out at the window and smiled.

"The weather is quite nice today, isnt it Sarah?" She turned at me.

I looked out at the window.

"Yeah. Its quite nice." I gave her a faint smile.

"Aw, come on Sarah. Cheer up!" She grinned.

I forced a smile. She saw right through my facade. Slowly she embrace me to a warm hug.

"You can cry if you want to let it all out. I know you hold it in for me. But please. Let it out, Sarah. I'm here. I'm here for you."

Her voice cracked but was soothing to my ears. Tears started to filled up my eyes. I hold it in anyways.

"Im fine, Sam." I lied.

She frown.

"I'm sick doesn't mean I can't see through your lies and pain. I'm still your friend."

I felt bad.

She got sad because I lied. But I don't wanna make her worry. Please somebody! Get in here!

I looked at her in the eyes.

"Im sorry, Sam. Im sorry." I hugged her slowly.

She ruffles my hair gently.

"Shhh. Its okay, Sarah. Ev-everything will be alright".

I close my eyes as she started to hum a soft calming tune.

"Yeah, everything will be alright."

I want to believe that you will be alright. I believe in you, Sam.

"Sam, I will be right back." I smiled.

She nodded. I went out from her ward and walked towards the restroom.

I locked the door. Leaning against the door and starts to cry with all my heart. It hurts. It truly hurts.

"Im sorry, Sam. I couldn't cry in front of you." I thought to myself.



"Sarah, its me, Scarlet."

I shed my tears.

"Oh hey, Scarlet. Whats up?"

"Not much. How's you and Sam? Is she alright?"

I began to sob again.

"I dont know. Scarlet, I dont know." I sobbed all over the phone.

"Sarah, you know that Sam wont like it if she knew that you cried because of her, right? You're a strong girl, okay? Im going to visit Sam this weekend, all of our classmates gonna come too."

"Sounds like a good idea. Sam would love it." I said.

"Great, well then. See you this weekend. Stay strong. Take care." She hung up.

"Stay strong" it sounds easy but I died trying to do that a couple of times.

A Spark Of Hope (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now