Chapter 12: Sparks That Begin To Fade

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Sarah's POV

"Omfg- Its almost time for that event of our school!" said that one girl in our class.

Everyone nodded as they started to talk with their friends about the event. I don't really care about the events though. I only care about Sam. She's getting worse and worse everyday.

"You said its only a fever." I thought to myself and glanced at the human figure who is sleeping on her desk beside me.

I looked at Sam. Her face has gotten pale with a bit redness. She wasn't as hyper as she always do today.

"Sarah. No staring." I heard her mumbled.

I blinked.

"Wake up. How long have you been awake??" I asked her.

She slowly raised her head up and stretched her body.

"Just a few seconds ago. I can feel that you were staring at me." she looked around.

"What's with the commotion?" she asked.

''I've no idea- They said that there will be some events for students. Im not sure though.'' I replied to her.

''Sounds interesting. '' she chuckled.

I noticed that the sparks in her eyes when she's smiles is kinda fading. Maybe its just my feelings. I dont know.

''We're in!'' she exclaimed excitedly.

''We? W-what do you mean?'' I stuttered.

''Come on, Sarah. Life is too short to not take the opportunity that is in front of us!'' she grinned.

"B-but what exactly are we going to do?" I shrugged.

Her grin widened if that even possible.

"We're going to sing!"

My jaws dropped.

"Sing?? But I can't sing!"I exclaimed.

"I don't care we're so in it!" she fist pumped.

I stared at Sam as she grinned at me like a mad woman. But I agreed with her anyway. Because she looks so happy and excited. She have done lots of things for me and I want to return the favor. Im missing her smile though.

Sam's POV

'' I want to do a lot of things with you, Sarah. A lot. Before its too late.'' I thought to myself as I looked at Sarah.

''Are you sure about this, Sam? I mean, I couldnt sing and I might ruin your reputations.'' Sarah said.

''Oh, come on. You know I dont give a shit about that kind of thing! Live as you were going to die tomorrow. Learn as you were to live forever, Sarah. Im sure as hell it will be fun and it will be an unforgettable moment in your life.'' I giggled.

"I wanna spend all of my time with her. I can feel my health is getting worse." I though as I smiled warmly at Sarah.

"Fine but you're gonna teach me sing and other stuff. "she said.

I giggled.

''Um- Sarah. Can I borrow Sam for awhile?'' Scarlet asked out of a sudden.

''S-sure.'' Sarah replied.

Scarlet's POV

She made her way towards me. Smiling as if we never fought before. She so lively. Her smiles is as bright as her striking green eyes. Once you looked at them, you wont be able to take off your eyes from them.

''What is it?'' she leaned against the wall at the corridor and looked at me.

I looked at her. I try to hold back my tears.

''Scarlet- What's wrong?'' she patted me on my shoulder.

''I know what you're hiding, Sam. Why didnt you tell her?'' I let it slipped.

''Tell who? What are you talking about?'' she played dumb.

''Sarah. You didnt tell her about you being sick, right?'' I looked at her in the eyes.

She didnt say anything. She just stood there. Startled because of my words.


''Dont tell her.''

''Im begging you. You dont know how much it kills me whether to tell her or not.'' she said as she looked down.

''Wait- Does that mean that you cant be saved?'' I asked.

''Sam. Answer me.'' I whimpered.

She raised up her head and looked at me. She gave me a faint smile and went back to class. Leaving me standing there for a couple of minutes.

"She can't be saved. Sam can't be saved?" that thought keep repeating in my mind.

I knew about this because I saw her coughed up blood in the toilet. She was in total pain that time. All that I heard her saying was ''I need to be strong for Sarah, for Aunt Aria and for myself.''

I then saw her eating some medicines. She washed her face and smiled at the mirror. She checked herself then went towards the door. I quickly acted like I was about to go in. She smiled at me.

After that incident, I kept on watching her behavior. She's getting weak. The spark in her eyes are fading. Her smile wasn't as bright as before. She's dying but no one seem to see the pain in her eyes and smile.

Sarah's POV

Sam came in and smiled at me.

''What did Scarlet want from you?'' I asked her.

She shrugged as she sat on her seat.

''Not much. She asked whether we're joining the events or not.'' answered her bluntly.

I was oblivious to the fact that she's hiding something from me.

''What song do you want to sing, anyway?'' she looked at me.

''I'll sing 'Fighting With You.' What about you?''

''Cool. Um- im going to sing Battle Scars by Paradise Fears.'' she smiled.

''Thats great. When are we going to practice? We got like 3 days until the event's day.''

''We will start today, of course!'' she grinned.

A Spark Of Hope (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now