The cure

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[Tae's POV]

Being together with the guys all the time has it's advantages. For example: when someone is feeling down or not acting the way they usually do, you know it right away. This has been the case for Jimin lately and I think I know what's bothering him.

All of us have someone to love and someone who loves us back except for Jimin. Of course we all love him and he loves us but it's not that kind of love he needs. It's hard to be around clingy couples all the time, trust me, I know. Before Jungkook and I started dating, Rapmon and Jin were already together and Yoongi regularly went to spend the weekend out of town with his boyfriend. I wanted Jungkook so bad but he didn't know it yet. Sure we flirted all the time but that was as far as our relationship went. Until I finally found the courage to tell him how I felt. I was so scared to tell him because I didn't want to ruin what we had. It was Jimin who talked me into it and now I want to return the favour.
Even though he's never alone, I can see how he feels lonely sometimes. But I think I know what could cheer him up. Or should I say who?

I told the guys to go ahead to the Railroads and that I had to pick something up first. That 'something' is actually not a 'something' at all. It's a someone. His name is Jung Hoseok and I think he might be able to stop Jimin from feeling lonely. Hoseok is a close friend of mine and knowing both him and Jimin makes me think they would be perfect together. They have never formally met but Hoseok showed up to a couple of our shows and I noticed that he couldn't take his eyes of Jimin. So, the blabber mouth that I am, I just asked him if he wanted me to introduce the two of them. Of course Hoseok said yes, his cheeks turning a slightly darker shade of pink, might I add. He's clearly into Jimin and it's just perfect.

I figured the best place for the two of them to meet is at the Railroads, since we spend most of our time there anyway. And even though it's in the middle of the abandoned military grounds, in the middle of fucking nowhere, there's something romantic about our hangout. Maybe it's just because of the memories we have made there that it kinda feels more like home than our actual homes do. It probably won't feel the same for Hoseok as it does for us but maybe, if him and Jimin hit it off, he can join our little group of misfits.

I asked Hoseok to meet me outside of school today, so he can come with me to the Railroads and meet Jimin. I'm kinda excited for the both of them to meet because I hate seeing that Jimin is sad. Hoseok has a very bubbly personality and I think he could really brighten Jimin's days.
I was standing with my back leaning against the school building when I saw Hoseok walking up to me and so I greeted him with a smile. He was looking pretty good, wearing a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, a plain white tee and a leather jacket. He was trying to act casual and relaxed but I could see that he had put some effort into his look and the half smile he pulled gave away how nervous he actually was. It was pretty cute and it made me feel confident that he would try his best to win Jimin over.

"Don't be nervous, Hoseok. Jimin is a really nice guy." I told him to settle down his nerves.
"Do I look okay? Is my hair good like this? What if he doesn't like me? Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all..."  He was just blurting out every word that came up in his mind, every nervous thought he could think of.
"Calm down, Hope. What's gotten into you? You sound like a nervous fangirl, hehe." I couldn't contain my giggles as he slapped my arm. I had never seen Hoseok like this and it was kinda cute to see how nervous he was over meeting Jimin.
"Trust me Hoseok, he'll like you." I said sending a wink his way.
"How do you know?" He asked as he looked up to me with a sparkle in his eyes.
"Because I know the both of you. You're exactly what he needs right now."

With that we started walking in the direction of the military grounds and the entire way I could see Hoseok nervously pulling on his clothes out of the corner of my eye. By the time we came close to the Railroads Hoseok had calmed himself down somehow and he now had a very chill, nonchalant air about him. This was the Hoseok I knew and definitely the one who could sweep Jimin off his feet with just a single bat of his eyelashes.
"Just be yourself Hoseok. That's all I want you to do."
He smiled my way and I could still see the anxiety in his eyes. I nudged his shoulder to loosen the tension in his body and he let out a shaky breath.

We were at the entrance of the military grounds. Now is the time.


I'm not sure if I really like what I'm writing rn. Tell me what you guys think. And maybe tell me who I should pair Yoongi with?

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