The offer stands

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[Hoseok's POV]
I just asked Jimin to move in to my parent's mansion. Well, actually, it's my mansion now. Both my parents got locked away for life and since I'm an only child and we don't have any family, all their belongings, including the mansion, are now mine. The judge told me there's no way that my parents are ever getting out of jail. And even though they are the only family I had left, they can rot in prison and I wouldn't care. They've caused me so much pain and sorrow that I couldn't give less shits that I don't have any family anymore. To be completely honest I'm happy that I'm finally left alone...

I really like Jimin's apartment but I'm dead scared of the neighbourhood it's in. If I could I would just take his entire apartment building and move it but unfortunately that's impossible. I don't really think Jimin would want to move into the mansion. And I understand. I mean, he's put so much love and work into his apartment and I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to leave it. But I would build him his dance studio and his recording studio, even bigger if he wants. I would buy him anything and everything he wants. I want him to have all the things his heart desires because I love him so much, and I would do anything to make him the happiest person in the world if I could.

"Hoseok, are you serious right now? Did you really just ask me to move into that huge castle with you?" He waves his hand in front of my face to break my stream of thoughts and turn my attention to him.
"I did... But it's okay if you don't want to, I understand. You've worked so hard for your apartment, I know how dear it is to you. I wouldn't want to take you away from that... But just know that we could take all your stuff with us and build a dance studio and recording studio in the mansion as well... I just want to give you everything you deserve..."  I really want to be with him no matter what, I'm not going to force him to come live with me. If he doesn't want to I'm not going to make him. I can't say anything anymore. I feel like if I say one more thing I'm going to ruin everything... Jimin hasn't said anything yet, I can see he's not sure what he's thinking either.
"Jimin...? You don't have to if you don't want to... I'm sorry..." I just ruined it didn't I? Fuck.
"No no, oh my sweet Hobi it's not that I don't want to! You know I would do anything to be with you and make you happy too, right? You know I love you so much baby it's just that I didn't think you'd want to go back to that place. You know, after all the bad memories you have from your parents and what they did I don't want you to suffer more than you already did." He says as he gently caresses my cheek with his hand and looks into my eyes. He really cares. But I can tell that what he said is not exactly the only reason. We're moving way to fast, I know that. But I can't help it. I just have to have him as close as possible as happy as possible.
"Baby, I love you. I can see that you're not ready to do this now and I understand, we're moving at the speed of light right now and I know we need to slow down. Let's just push this to the back of our minds for a while and get it back when the both of us are totally ready. You know my offer will still stand for no matter how long..." I smile and peck his lips before pulling him into my arms. He's a little hesitant to hug me back as I can tell he's just trying to process everything but then he tightly wraps his arms around me.
"You know I just want to be as close to you as possible. And it doesn't matter where that is because you're all that matters to me..." I whisper in his ear and I can feel his grip tighten even more than before. Though I am a bit disappointed, I respect his choice. The way he feels is the most important thing to me and I will just have to get used to walking around that scary neighbourhood because I want to be with him no matter what. He'll take care of me, he promised. And I'll take care of him. I will protect him with my life because that's how much he's worth: more than life itself. I know I must cherish him because I'll never find anyone who makes me feel the way he does. I truly believe that I have found my other half in him. He completes me.

"Hobi, I love you. To the moon and back. You know that right? Never forget that..." He cups my cheeks with his hand as he places a gentle kiss on my nose.
"Do you still want to tell the guys today? Because honestly I just feel like having a really lazy day and I want to think things through and spend time with you." He continues and I'm relieved that he says this because I couldn't agree more at this point.
"Yeah babe, let's just stay in today and not do anything. Having you around is enough to make my day a great day. I love you..."

I don't even really know tbh 😬
I feel like this was kinda different from the previous chapters or is that just me? 🙃
Anyway as always tell me what you think, did you actually like this chapter of not?
Saranghaeyo ❤️

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