Don't be sorry

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[Hoseok's POV]

Jimin had left the living room and went to the kitchen and I was left on the couch. I could've watched some tv but instead I just looked around his apartment. It was kinda spacious but yet really cute and cozy. There were books and vinyl records all over the place and it made his apartment feel very vintage. Even though I hate my dad, his books weren't all that bad and I could see that Jimin had a few of them lying around.

I get up and walk towards a huge stack of records. Looking through them I can see a few blank covers that have things written on them. I take one out and put it in the record player. The music starts and it sounds great. I recognise the voices but can't really tell who they are. I feel like I've heard them before but I don't recognise the songs they're singing. Suddenly Jimin peeks his head out of the kitchen. "Do you like that song?" He asks with a smile on his face. "I love it actually. But who is it?" I ask him returning the smile. "That's us!" He proudly says as he now comes out of the kitchen and into the living room. "Listen, that's me singing right now..." He says as he looks at the ground and quietly sings along. His voice is so amazing I could listen to it all day long. He doesn't even have to be singing, I like his voice when he talks too, I don't really know why... "You have such a beautiful voice, Jimin. I really love the way you put your emotions into your singing. You can really see how much you love being on stage, performing." I tell him with a smile on my face because I really do mean it. "You've seen me perform before?" He asks with a surprised expression on his face. "Hehe, yeah... I've been to most of you guys' concerts in the past two years or so..." Aaish this is embarrassing...
"That's why you looked so familiar! I knew I had seen you before, I just didn't know where..." His words kinda caught me off guard since I didn't think he had ever seen me. When I go to their concerts, I usually stay in the back of the room. The rooms really aren't that big so you still have a pretty good view of the stage even when you're standing in the back.
"You... You remembered my face?" That's a pretty awkward way to ask but it's out before I know it.
"Of course..." He shyly says, once again staring at the ground. "How could I forget such a beautiful face?" He slightly looks up at me but still has his head hanging down which gives him a really cute, puppy eyes look and it's just irresistible. His eyes smile is one of the cutest things in the world and it's impossible not to fall in love with it.
"You know, you were the first one I noticed when I first came to you guys's concert. The way you put your heart on that stage when you sing and also how amazing your dancing is. I've always had a thing for guys who dance..." God, why am I so awkward? But I couldn't just let him give me such a huge compliment without returning one, right? And, I mean, it's the truth so why should I keep it a secret?
Soon my thoughts are interrupted by a tight hug from Jimin. I thought he would just quickly hug me and let go but he doesn't let go. He just holds me so close and rests the side of his head on my shoulder. I pull him as close to me as possible. I could stay here forever, in this beautiful boy's arms, feeling nothing but happiness.

"I'm so sorry about this morning Hobi. I feel like it's all my fault." He begins mumbling into my chest, still not letting go of me. "I heard what your father yelled at me, he beat you up because he saw you hugging me. Maybe if we never met, if I hadn't come with you, if he hadn't seen us, none of this would have happened..." I can now feel him quietly sobbing on my chest and it makes my heart hurt. "Aniyo, Jiminie, this isn't your fault! Besides, if it wasn't for you, I would still be stuck with an abusive father and I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. Here in your arms is the only place I want to be right now, do you understand? I'm truly happy about what happened, because it brought me here, with you..."
Suddenly he pulls away from the hug and before I know it his lips are on mine. His soft, plump lips perfectly connect with mine, leaving me weak under his touch. There's nothing lustful about this kiss, it's a loving one. One that is real and one that gives me a warm feeling inside such as I have never felt before.

My first kiss with Jimin is also my first kiss in general. And I am completely at peace with the fact that it is Jimin who took my first kiss.
His arms are around my waist and when he breaks from the kiss, he immediately rests his head back on my shoulder, hugging me like before.
"Thank you, Hobi..."

Aaah, cute and fluffy
Their first kiss :')
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