Bangtan Sonyeondan

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[Jimin's POV]

I feel really sorry for Hoseok but at the same time I'm glad that I can be here to comfort him. After all, I can relate.
"I know what it's like... Trust me... I lost everyone. My parents shut everyone out of our lives when we moved away from my family because my dad was an asshole.
I was depressed for so long and I had  stopped eating. I lost so much weight that I became a serious burden to my parents and they hated me for it. My mother stopped taking care of me until I became so skinny my body crashed and I had to stay in the hospital for almost a year. After that my parents just stopped caring about me. I gained my weight back but my heart didn't heal. Around that time my parents had me transfer schools because my grades had dramatically sunken.
I hated the idea of having to start at a new school where I didn't know anyone. Fortunately transferring might've been the best thing that happened to me in my miserable youth. I moved to the school where I met all the amazing people I now call my brothers.

The first day of school there was this weird kid in my history class. He was just bouncing around like some crazy person and I was just laughing at how funny he was while everyone else was looking at him like he needed help. There was an empty seat next to me because I didn't have any friends so he gladly took it and we started talking. He told me his name was Taehyung and we talked about random stuff throughout the entire class, getting an annoyed mister Lee to try and shut us up. Ever since that day we became inseparable. We did everything together until Jungkook started hanging out with us too and it became the three of us and later the two of them and me. But I don't mind him being with Jungkook. Jungkook's a great guy and I've grown very fond of him as well so I know he'll take care of Tae.
A couple days in at my new school Tae and I had a dance class where we found Namjoon the dancing machine that he is, being laughed at by everyone there. He looked really funny doing that and Tae and I actually enjoyed his dancing so we decided to join him in his weird dance to stop people from laughing at him. And so Namjoon was added to our little group.
Namjoon was in the same class as Yoongi, who slept through most classes and didn't make many friends but still somehow managed to become friends with Namjoon. At first it was probably because Yoongi needed someone who could give him his notes to fill in what he had slept through so Namjoon was the perfect candidate for that. And since neither Namjoon nor Yoongi had a lot of friends Namjoon gladly started giving his notes to Yoongi and hanging out with him after class too. But since we were Namjoon's friends too, he started taking Yoongi along to hang out with Tae and I most of the time.
When I said Yoongi didn't have a lot of friends I actually mean he only had one. When he was little he lived in a quiet neighbourhood where it was mainly old people but there was one other young boy there, named Seokjin. Yoongi and Jin became best friends basically because there was no one else to become friends with in their neighbourhood. But even after Yoongi moved to the other side of town when he was 16 the two of them stayed best friends and as expected Yoongi took Jin to hang out with us as well.
So by this time there's six of us who don't really have any friends and we needed a place to hang out. We knew that not many people actually go into the woods at the edge of Busan because the forest gives most people the creeps as many rumours go around of it being haunted or something. So the young rebels we were, we ventured into those haunted woods to find absolutely nothing haunted but instead we found an abandoned military domain which was probably the reason for those rumours. Military drills used to be practiced at the grounds and my mother told me that there were always weird sounds like gunfire coming out of those woods. In fact no one even knew that there were military grounds in that forest so people came up with the craziest stories of how there was some lunatic living in the trees, killing everyone who dared trespassing and stuff.
The six of us roamed around the forest to find that there was an empty train wagon on the railroads leading out of the domain and out of the forest like a bridge to cover the gap between Busan and the next city. And thus the name Railroads was born. We didn't want to call it the military grounds since no one actually knew about those and we wanted that to remain a secret.

After discovering the Railroads we spent most of our time there, just the six of us, each and every one a misfit, doing all types of weird and crazy stuff. We always had music with us so naturally all our hidden talents came out. I showed off my dancing and singing and so did Jungkook. We became the dancing duo after that. We found out that Tae has the most amazing singing voice that can be either really soft and soothing or really raspy and even sexy. Jin didn't really sing a lot at first, he usually just filmed us but one day I caught him singing along to some song I had never heard and his voice was absolutely beautiful. I urged him to sing in front of the others even though he didn't want to but I knew it would give him more confidence if the rest of us complimented his singing which, of course, we did. Namjoon and Yoongi never sang along with us. At least not in a good way. And not because they didn't want to... But just because they couldn't sing, like, at all. Instead they rapped. And they were both amazing at it.
When the time came where we actually started a band, some of us got stage names. Jin, Jungkook and I just kept our own names as stage names but Namjoon became Rap Monster, a very suitable name. Yoongi became Suga because naturally he's sweet as sugar and Tae became V... I don't really know why.
As for our band name, we became Bangtan Sonyeondan which was perfect, seeing that our band was formed at the military domain and that we are bulletproof from bullying. (See what I did there?)
The only thing missing now is another rapper... A perfect one, an amazing one.
One named Jung Hoseok..."
By now I can see that Hoseok's tears have dried and that he's just smiling at me. I didn't really realise it but I had been thinking out loud and so I had just shared my entire youth with Hoseok. Which was fine because it seemed like he was enjoying it and that's all that matters.
"Do you feel better Hoseokie?"
"Yeah baby, thank you so much... I love you." He says and it makes me happy. I cup his face and look straight into his beautiful eyes.
"I love you too." I whisper before smiling into a soft and loving kiss.

Long ass chapter wow that was an accident
Also I feel bad for always cutting Hoseok out of the group pics 😭
Well, let me know what you think?
Saranghaeyo ❤️

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