I'll take care of you...

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I don't usually take people to my apartment if I don't really know them. Of course my friends have been here and Tae and Jungkook spend quite some time here with me playing video games but I don't like having people over. The elder hyungs haven't been here much and in fact I don't even think Ilhoon has ever been here at all.

It's a reasonably large apartment and I've arranged it so that there's a room that I can use as my dance practice room and one that functions as a recording studio. I live there by myself but Tae and Jungkook regularly spend the night over whenever they feel like it.

I also have a decently paid job as a dance instructor to kids and one at a local record store which makes it possible to pay for the place. Our concerts also make a little extra money so I could afford the recording studio and stuff. Overall I have a decent amount of money but I don't really like to spend it on expensive things. My apartment is mainly filled with books and records because I can get a discount at the record shop that I work at. I love listening to vinyl records. They sound much better than CDs, much more alive and authentic.

I live in the top flat of my building and the one beneath me has been empty for a long time now. My neighbourhood isn't really a nice one so new people don't really want to move in here that's why the place has been empty for so long. It's okay though, it allows me to blast my music as loud as I want when I'm practicing a new routine and sing at the top of my lungs. Also there just isn't much to do in the town where I live so I have to make the best of what I got at home.
I like living in a quiet place though. I can't stand the noise of traffic and cars beeping and we don't really have that here.

Anyways I am quite anxious to take Hoseok to my apartment but he said he wanted to come so I guess he's okay with it.
We're still making our way through the woods around the military grounds and it's kinda chilly. I'm actually really cold and I think he noticed because soon he took one of the blankets and wrapped it around my shoulders along with his arm. "Are you cold babe?" He asks as he pulls me close to him. "Hmm, not anymore..." I can't help but smile at the way he takes care of me and I slip my arm around his waist. We continue to walk like this, our hips moving in perfect sync as we walk and I'm just enjoying his presence.

"Ugh, maybe we should go to my place first to pick some stuff up..." He suddenly says and I can hear the annoyance in his voice.
"Are you okay?" I ask, wondering why he sounded so agitated.
"Yeah, it's just... I've never brought a guy over to my parents. See, they don't know I'm gay and I don't know what they'll do to me if they found out..." I can see the worry in his eyes.
"Well, I could just wait outside?"
"But it's freezing, I don't want to leave you out in the cold..." He says as he pulls me in for a hug.
"And I don't want to see you get hurt. Really, it's okay. I'll wait outside for you..." He looks at me and then gives me a gentle peck on my forehead before we continue walking.
We've reached the edge of the woods and he now slips his hand into mine and leads me in the direction of his house.
We walked for a while and then he suddenly pulls me to a halt in front of a beautiful mansion. "This is it.." He shyly says but I'm just staring at the castle in front of me in awe. "You live here...? Isn't this where that famous writer lives? Is he your dad?" I'm so surprised at this turn of events. I thought he was just me: a nobody, a misfit. But his parents are rich and famous. Yet he is nothing like that. He's not just some cocky rich kid.
"Yeah, he is. But he's not the nice writer guy he pretends to be..."
"But I thought he supported gay rights and all that?"
"Like I said, he pretends..." I can see the disappointment in Hoseok's eyes and it makes me so sad. I always thought the writer was such a nice guy but judging by the look on Hoseok's face and what he had told me earlier he's a pretty shitty dad.
"Hey, it's okay Hobi... You know what? You can stay at my place as long as you want... Just go and grab your stuff and we'll get out of here. I'll take care of you." And I would take care of him. I would take care of him as long as he needed it. I would take care of him the same way he took care of me yesterday. I would love him... What? Did I already fall in love with him? I couldn't have... I've only known him for a day. And yet he has filled up that emptiness that I had been feeling in this one day we've known each other...
"I'll take care of you... I promise."

I'm such a depressing writer lol

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