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[Hoseok's POV]

The concert is coming closer and closer now. I try not to think about it too much because I know it'll only stress me out. Though, it's hard to not think about it since we practice the routines and the songs almost every single day. At first I was having some trouble with keeping up, because the others already knew every dance moves and I had to start from the very beginning. But with the help of the others, especially Jimin, I've been able to nail the routines down after only a few weeks of practice. I even got my very own dance solo, well, one I share with Jimin so I guess not really my very own... But it feels absolutely amazing to dance and sing with these amazing guys.

Spending so much time with them, you really get to know them on a whole other level. I've discovered that everyone plays their role in the group. We have Jin and Namjoon who are eomma and appa, the parents, they take care of the rest of us and maintain order and focus.
We have Yoongi who is the grandpa because he usually sleeps and if you wake him up he gets really grumpy.
Then we have Taehyung, who is just a great big ball of weird. There's no other way to describe him. He's just from another planet but it's so much fun having him around. Tae is crazy and weird in the most amusing way possible. He can always make anyone smile.
Then, Jungkook. He's the not so baby baby. He's the youngest, which automatically makes him the baby, he can also act really cute, which also makes him the baby but damn. I love Jimin and I think he's the most beautiful and sexy person ever but Jungkook. Let me tell you, he can go from baby to daddy in 0.000000001 seconds. It's insane.
I turned out to be the never ending ball of energy and sunshine, or so I'm told by the others. They said they like having me around because I always bring positive energy which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and finally appreciated and accepted.
Now, last but certainly not least, we have my beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, brilliant, fantastic, incredible, awesome, breathtaking boyfriend. My sweet Jiminie is the most caring person I've ever met. He listens to his hyungs, he takes care of them and most importantly: he loves them unconditionally. I know how much these guys mean to him and the way he acts when he's around them just makes me so happy. I'm really glad I get to be a part of all this and I will be forever grateful to Namjoon and the others for letting me in. To Tae for bringing me along that day and for introducing me to the love of my life. And to the love of my life himself, my precious Jiminie, whom I will love forever and more. Even if one day he doesn't love me back anymore, I will still love him. It's just like what famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said: "Die Liebe höret nimmer auf" "love never ceases". Even if one day I lose him, I will still think of him everyday, I will still see memories of our dreams and fantasies and smile because I will still love him.
But I'm not going to think about losing him anymore. Because right now, everything is perfect and I know that I'm not going to lose him anytime soon. And I don't plan on going anywhere myself. I've finally found a place where I can be myself with people that truly appreciate me and the things I do and I never ever want to leave again.

It's now a week before the concert. My first ever concert performing on stage with Bangtan Sonyeondan. I know I've got the routines down and I perfectly know all my lines but the closer we get to the big day, the more stressed out and insecure I get.  The more times I can practice the routines, the better.

"Baby, you should take a break." Jimin worriedly says as I go through yet another time practicing the routines. I'm sweating and I feel hot, my knees feel weak and I'm really tired but I don't plan on stopping yet.
"I can't stop yet, it's not perfect yet so I still need to perfect every single movement." I respond as I walk to the stereo to play the song from the beginning again. But right before I reach the stereo, I feel a small body clamping onto mine from the back.
"You've already perfected the moves Hobi, you need a break." I turn around to face Jimin who's making a cute pouting face. In his eyes I can see he's begging me to stop but I can't yet.
"Just a couple more times Jimin, I promise I'll stop in a bit." I say as I pull myself out of his arms and start walking back to my spot in front of the mirror.

But just as I walk away from him, I get slammed down to the floor. Jimin crawls on top of me and pins my arms down.
He looks at me and I can see the fire in his eyes.
"Are you going to listen to me now? You need to stop. Right now." His grip on my wrist is so tight it actually starts to hurt.
"You're hurting me Jimin. Please let go." I whine but he doesn't let go.
"No, you need to listen to me. Are you going to stop?" I try to get out of his grip but damn he's strong. His thighs are pressing down on my hips, his hands are clutched around my wrist and his eyes are locked in mine.
And then suddenly he just crashes his lips on mine as his grip on my wrists loosens.
"Tell me you'll take a break." He says in between kisses.
"Mhm okay, I'll take a break..."
He smiles into the kiss as we're lying on the practice room floor.

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