I don't understand?

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[Hoseok's POV]

Omo, Jimin is even more cute in the daylight than he is those dimmed concert rooms. I muster all my courage and start walking up to him, trying to maintain my cool state of mind.
Him and Jungkook were chasing each other but when they saw me and Tae Jungkook ran up to Tae and Jimin just stopped and stared at me. It was kinda cute, the way his jaw dropped and he couldn't keep his eyes off me, it gave me more confidence that he might like me. I approached him and he suddenly started to nervously pull his clothes and run his hands through his hair to fix it.

I was now right in front of him and introduced myself and to my surprise he started stuttering like crazy when he tried to respond. It was so adorable and for once I felt totally in charge of the situation. I reach out for a handshake and felt that his hands were sort of clammy as if he was sweating out of pure nerves.
Gosh this kid is so fucking cute. I should go and greet the others though so things don't get suspicious and awkward. And so I walk away from Jimin and towards the others to introduce myself. Of course I already knew Tae and because of him I also knew Jungkook since the two were inseparable. After I had met everyone they all went to sit by the pool and Namjoon started a bonfire since it was already getting kinda late and chilly. Jimin and I had talked for a bit and we had gotten to know each other a bit better. It was just small talk but it was quite nice to just talk about the little things.

All the couples were cuddling up together under their blankets, we had Namjoon with Jin leaning against his chest, Tae who had his legs wrapped around Jungkook and Yoongi who was snuggling his face in Ilhoon's neck. And then there was Jimin, who was just sitting there by himself, pouting a bit, his knees pulled up against his chest. So I walked up to him.
"Hey, mind if I join you?" I quietly ask him as I smile down at the beautiful boy.
"U-uhm, sure..." He shyly says as he scoots over a bit to give me some room. But I didn't really want any room to be completely honest so I just slip under the blanket with him and let our legs lightly touch. I can feel him slightly pull away but I just crawl closer to him.
"What are you doing?" He murmurs as he slowly turns to face me.
"I could see you shivering, so I thought my body heat could keep you warm, hehe." It was a cheesy move to make, I know, but it made him smile and that was all I needed. And soon he scooted closer to me and hooked his arm into mine. I could feel my cheeks getting heated because now I wasn't in control anymore. I was getting weak under his touch even though it was totally innocent, he probably didn't mean anything by it.

"I know why you're here, Hoseok..." He suddenly says and I'm at a loss for words.
"W-what do you mean?" I stammer.
"Tae told you I'm lonely didn't he?
"Uhm, n-no, it's not, I mean, heh, I'm not-" I try to talk my way out of it but he interrupts me.
"It's okay... Just promise me you won't leave me, okay?" I was totally shocked at his words. And again I didn't know what to say. So I just looked down at the younger boy, questioning what he had just said to me.
"Tae is right. I am lonely. But you wouldn't be here if you didn't want to change that... Right?" He looks up at me and I can see a twinkle in his eye but also a look of sadness as if he really didn't want me to leave.
"I don't understand, Jimin. Are you okay?" I'm so confused right now, I don't know what's happening. I suddenly feel Jimin sobbing softly on my shoulder.
"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask as I slightly push him away so I can see his face. I wipe away the tear that's rolling down his cheek with my thumb but he's just staring at the ground. "Jimin, look at me. Tell me what's going on?" He suddenly wraps his arms around my waist and pulls himself close to my chest. "It's so hard being around people in love all the time when you don't have anyone who loves you. I'm just the misfit, even in my own group of friends... Nobody loves me..." This breaks my heart. I would never have known he felt this way and I don't think any of his friends know about this either.
"Your friends love you Jimin, you know that..." I try to comfort him even though I know these words are meaningless.
"You know that's not what I mean, Hoseok. Of course I know they love me but that's a brotherly love. I need more than that. I need someone to actually tell me they love me. I need someone to hold me and ask me how my day was. I need someone who I can pour my heart out to and not feel judged about it.
I just need someone..."

Alright y'all this is going to turn into a big sappy love story I can feel it. Are y'all ready for this?
Ps: I know that picture is irrelevant but idgaf it's a cute picture

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