My hope

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[Jimin's POV]

Before I knew it I had kissed Hoseok. I didn't really mean for it to happen but I just couldn't control myself. For that moment my heart was stronger than my mind. I really really really like this guy. And the way he speaks, the way he comforts me makes him just too damn hard to resist.

I feel so guilty that he got beat up because of me and yet he finds a way to turn it into something positive. He's so full of hope, unlike me. When I only see darkness around me, he will be the light to guide me out.
Once again I think of how thankful I am to Taehyung for bringing Hoseok with him. He was absolutely right when he said that Hoseok might be able to fill up the emptiness in my heart. I feel like as long as Hoseok is in my life I will never have to feel lonely again.
He is my hope...

Breaking from the hug that we were currently still in, I remember why I was in the kitchen not too long ago. "Yah, Hobi, I made you some chicken soup. I thought it might make you feel better. I'm not really a great cook but I think it will be edible anyway... I hope you like it..." I take his hand and guide him into the dining room, sitting him down at the table and taking a bowl of soup for him. I take one for myself as well and sit across from him at the table.
He takes a spoonful of soup and brings it up to his mouth. "Be careful, it's still hot!" I almost yell to secure that he doesn't burn his tongue. A warm smile forms on his face before he blows some air to cool the soup down and takes a sip. I'm curiously staring at him to see what he thinks of the soup.

"Jimin why did you lie to me?" He asks and my eyes widen in shock. "Huh, w-what do you mean? When did I lie to you?"
He gives me a cute eye smile as he carefully caresses my cheek saying: "You're actually a great cook, this soup is delicious!" A sigh of relief escapes from my lips and he quietly chuckles at my reaction. "I'm glad you like it..."

We just sit in silence, sipping from our soup and I can agree with Hoseok that my soup is actually pretty good. Thank god.
We're just looking at each other as we eat our soup and no one says anything. It's not an awkward silence though. Somehow it feels like our minds just connect and we can comfortably sit in silence and just enjoy each others presence.
We both finish our bowl of soup and I get up to wash the dishes. "Here, let me help you with that." Hoseok says as he follows me towards the sink. "Ani, it's okay, I'll do it." I say and at the same time I can feel Hoseok wrap his arms around my waist and pull me into a backhug. "Are you sure?" He says and I can feel him resting his head on my shoulder. "Hehe, it's fine..." I shyly say and I can feel my cheeks staring to burn at how close Hoseok suddenly is. "Alright babe, if you say so. I'll be in the living room if you need me." He says and softly kisses my cheek before letting me go and leaving for the living room.
'I always need you..'

I can hear him turning on the tv and I can vaguely recognise the movie that's currently on: "Love always, Charlie". Hoseok was watching 'The Perks of being a Wallflower', my favourite movie of all time. It's my favourite because I can relate to it. They are all misfits but they embrace that. They don't need to be popular to have the best time. They all have their own problems but they're there for each other no matter what. My friends are exactly like that, they're here for me whenever I need them and they know how I feel without telling them. That's why Tae brought Hoseok along and I can't stop thinking how grateful I am for that. Even though Hoseok and I have only known each other for two days, I have never felt closer to anyone. To others it might feel like we're moving fast, I mean we basically already moved in together after two days, but when I am with him it's like time stands still. The world stops moving when I look into his eyes and nothing else matters, it's just the two of us...

I finish washing the dishes and make my way to the living room where Hoseok is comfortably laying on the couch. When he sees me he smiles and pats the spot next to him inviting me to sit down. I walk over to the spot Hoseok so charmingly appointed me and calmly sit down, leaving some room between Hoseok and myself. I had barely sat down when Hoseok pulled my arm and I landed with my hand on his chest and our bodies close to each other. "Aah, that's much better." He chuckles with a cheeky grin on his face. "I don't want you sitting so far away from me." He says with a sudden gain of confidence. "Now let's just watch my favourite movie together huh?"
Of course we share the same favourite movie, hehe. Isn't this just perfect?

Sorry for letting you guys wait but here it is :)
The Perks of being a Wallflower bc park_jiminaah said one of my parts reminded them of it and bc I got the book for Christmas hehe :D
Also happy holidays to everyone and once again thank you for reading and commenting, I love you all so much! ❤️ I hope you enjoy your holidays and get lots of fun gifts :*

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