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- 3 years later -
[Jimin's POV]

Today, we are celebrating Bangtan Sonyeondan's 3 year anniversary. Exactly 3 years have passed since that very first concert where Jung Hoseok, my angel, my hope, J-Hope, joined us on stage.
I'm confident to say that in these past years I've  made some pf the most amazing and beautiful memories and that there are moments that I won't ever forget.

Hoseok and I are still living in my apartment but every now and then he brings up moving to the mansion. It's still available for us to move to and I think it might be the right time to do so.
"Hoseokah?" I call to the dancing studio where Hobie is currently practicing a new routine.
"Yeah babe?" I hear a panting voice respond from the practice room and a head popping up from out of the door.
"Can you come here for a sec, I want to talk to you about something." His face turns surprised and somehow concerned.
"Don't worry babe, it's good news, not bad." And with that his facial expressions become softer and more relaxed.
He sits down on the sofa right next to me and smiles in my direction.
"What's up baby?" He asks with that cute smile.
"I was just thinking, we've been together for 3 years now and I know were going to be together for many more years, so... Maybe it's time for us to move into the mansion... We could still keep the apartment but moving to the mansion gives us a bit more space. And we could still build a bigger dance and recording studio there so we have more practice room for Bangtan... Eottae?"
"Jimin that's... Well, you know how I feel about that, I think that's a great idea!"
He yells as he swings his arms around me and crashes his lips onto mine. All I can do is smile into the kiss because once again I'm reminded of how happy this boy can make me just by smiling. By now I'm laying flat on my back on the couch with this beautiful boy once again on top of me.
"So when do you wanna move?" He says as he pushes himself back up and is now hovering over me, his face not too far away from mine.
"Uhm, haha, the sooner the better?" And with that his smile becomes even brighter. Once again he lets his lips connect with mine for a couple quick pecks before he gets up and starts bouncing around excitedly.
But then he stops and turns back to me.
"Baby, you know what I suddenly realised? Next week is your graduation!" I had actually completely forgotten about that but he's right. I'm finally graduating, along with Jungkook and Taehyung. And then we'll finally be free to focus completely on our music.
"Yeah babe, you're right. So let's wait until after graduation to move..."
"Or let's move right now! Let's call up the guys and start moving right now!" He seems so happy that it's impossible to turn him down right now.
"Yeah, okay. Let's do it." I say and once again he starts bouncing around.

We start packing all the necessary stuff and we begin to call all our friends. Hoseok calls Taehyung and Namjoon and I start by calling Yoongi but I realise that 7 of us is nowhere near enough people to move. So I decide to call Baekhyun and ask him if he wants to help. We've kept contact throughout these 3 years and we've become bigger in music together. Both Bangtan and EXO have been growing in the music industry and it's been really great.
"Yeoboseiyo?" Baekhyun picks up the phone.
"Hyung! It's Jimin."
"Oh hey Jimin what's up?"
"You know how Hoseok kept asking to move into the mansion, right? Well, I've finally given in and we're moving today... I know it's a bit short notice but I was wondering if maybe you could come give us a helping hand?"
"Oh really?? That's great, I bet Hoseok's really happy right now, huh? And of course I'll help, today is our day off so you're in luck! Mind if I bring a couple extra hands?" He says as he chuckles excitedly.
"Of course not! The more the merrier!"
"Alright, I'll call my friends! We'll be there in a couple of hours. Annyeong!"

A couple hours later, Hoseok and I have packed all our stuff and people in cars start arriving. First Tae and Jungkook, then Jin and Namjoon, a while later Yoongi and Ilhoon and then suddenly there's a big bus stopping right outside the apartment. And out comes Baekhyun, followed by the rest of EXO.
He smiles and says: "I thought you could use a couple of extra hands."

All of us start bringing stuff down from the apartment and packing it into the cars and the truck we ordered. Within an hour all of our stuff has been neatly packed into the vehicles and we're ready to move. The apartment isn't completely empty but we've taken most of the essentials. Of course the mansion is already furnished which makes it a lot easier for us.

When we get there, everyone immediately starts unloading all of our belongings and Hoseok stands in the hall to point everyone in the right direction. We realise that even with EXO here, we're still lacking a bit of man power. So when we tell Namjoon, he immediately decides to call his good friend Jackson. Being in the music industry also means that your social network expands very quickly. Jackson for example, is a member of a 7 member group called Got7 and they've also become our close friends over time.

A while later, Jackson and the others arrive and with them here, we move all our stiff into place in no time. When everything is in the right place we set up a bunch of chairs in the huge backyard and pop a few bottles of champagne.
Hoseok stands up and raises his glass:
"I'm glad that through my career in music I've met all of you amazing musicians and great friends! Feel free to drop by whenever you feel like it in the future and thank you all so much for helping us out today! And today is also the day that we're celebrating our 3year anniversary as Bangtan Sonyeondan. To music and to friendship!!" He says as I bring out the cake that we've bought to celebrate. And everyone raises their glass and cheers loudly for the food and for everyone here.

And with that I know that our future will look so bright. Seeing a bunch of our friends here I know that my life will be so much better than I could've ever hoped. A life that I get to share with my best friend and the love of my life.
My angel, my hope, J-Hope.

Alright guys, I think this is officially the end. But fear not, I have a bunch of story drafts saved and I want you to tell me which one to publish first:

。Secrets (VKook)
。Distance (JiHope)
。Take My Hand (Namjin)
。My name is V. (Taehyung/ maybe VKook)

Tell me which one you guys want first.
Saranghaeyo ❤️❤️

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