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"Mummy, mummy, MUMMY!" Jessie cried at 12:30 am in the morning. Connie came rushing in and picked her up. "Ssh it's alright baby girl, mummy's here, your ok" Connie soothed whilst rubbing her back and stroking her hair. Jessie clung to Connie and buried her head into her neck. Connie took Jessie back in hers and Jacob's room. "Sweetcheeks, she ok?" Jacob asked sleepily. "yeh, she's just had another nightmare" Connie replied. Jacob nodded and kissed Connie once she got back into bed. Jessie shuffled around on Connie's lap. "It's ok sweetheart, daddy and mummy are here, its alright" Connie soothed. Jessie soon fell asleep, so Connie and Jacob switched off their bed side lamps, kissed and went back to bed. 

Jacob got up and found Jessie shuffling around next to Connie. He decided to take her downstairs so that she didn't wake Connie. Jessie was moving around in Jacob's arms as he took her downstairs. Jessie was clearly unsettled. He knew at some point he'd have to wake Connie, as at the moment she was the only one who could calm Jessie down in any mood she was in. Jacob place Jessie on the sofa with a pillow and a blanket and what to make some breakfast. 

Connie awoke to the smell of bacon, which she hardly ever ate any more. Connie got up and put on her silk robe before heading downstairs. Obviously Jacob had taken Jessie downstairs so that she could sleep in and Jessie was causing her to have several late and disturbed nights recently.                 Connie trudged downstairs and into the kitchen. "Morning muscles" she said before putting her arms around his waist. "Morning queen B" he replied, before turning around and kissing her passionately. Connie pulled away, "Jacob the bacon" she chuckled. "Shit, sorry sweet cheeks" he said. "Don't worry Hun, I'm not that hungry right now" Connie said as she kissed him. 

Just as Jacob was making his way to Connie's night shorts, Jessie started to moan from the lounge. "This will have to wait" Connie said kissing Jacobs cheek. Jacob rolled his eyes and followed Connie into the lounge. "Hey sweetheart" Connie said and crouched down next to the sofa and pushed her daughters hair out of her eyes. Jessie winced at the light. Connie picked her up. "Someone's a tired girl, I think" Connie said. Jessie just nodded and hugged Connie tight. 

About half an hour later Connie heard a scream come from upstairs.  She handed a reluctant Jessie to Jacob and legged it up the stairs to Grace's room. She came in to find Grace sat up, breathing heavily and crying. Connie rushed over. "Hey Gracie, its alright. Your ok" Connie said, hugging her daughter and rubbing her back. "I'm, I'm ok, really mum. Really, I I am" Grace trembled. "I just had a, a nightmare about when dad was hitting me" Grace cried. "Your ok baby, your safe here, I'll always protect you ok" Connie said. "I know you will mum" Grace said whilst slowly loosing herself in her mother's warm embrace. 

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