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Hailey walked into the kitchen to find Grace sat at the island staring into space. "I'm not staying here with you" Hailey muttered before storming out. Grace didn't really care to be honest, Hailey could hate her for as long as she wanted.

It was nearing lunch time and Grace was feeding Sasha. "Your fucking everywhere" Hailey screamed. "Well I do live here" Grace snapped. "Well your not the only one that lives here are you, your not the one that has to pretend they're fine when they aren't because your the one who is supposedly everyone's priority" Hailey yelled. "In case you hadn't noticed Hailey, my boyfriend died fighting for his country and now my daughter has no dad" Grace hissed. "I'm sorry, but as it happens he's my brother by blood not just on paper. I'm grieving too and you act like you're the only one. I bet mum and dad haven't had time to grieve properly with you being around" Hailey shouted. "And what about you huh, if it's not me they are dealing with it's you, so don't you think it's down to the both of us they haven't grieved properly" Grace screamed as she burped Sasha. "You don't understand and you never will" Hailey lashed out swiping everything off the window sill. "Please enlighten me then" Grace said sarcastically while putting Sasha in her cot. "I regret ever speaking to you" Hailey said. "So do I but we can't change the past can we" Grace shouted.

Connie and Jacob walked in a few hours later to the sound of shouting and crying. They ran up the stairs to see Grace and Hailey having a full on fight and Sasha crying. Jacob ran to split them up and Connie went to go pick up Sasha. Connie took Sasha downstairs to calm her down while Jacob sorted out the girls. "What the hell are you girls fighting about eh" Jacob said. "Nothing" they both said. "Doesn't look like nothing" Jacob said. "Tom" was all they replied. "Right go down stairs and see your mother now, apologise to each other and Grace go give Sasha a hug" Jacob said.

Both girls waltzed down the stairs and into the living room. Grace took Sasha from Connie. "I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry I scared you" Grace cried as she kisses her baby's head. Soon Sasha was asleep and Grace put her down.

"Now girls come sit either side of me and talk to me about what happened earlier" Connie said calmly. Both girls sat next to their mum both worried about what the other would say. Connie wrapped her arms around them. "Now is this about Tom" Connie said. Both girls nodded. "Ok is this to do with who gets more help and about when your dad and I get to grieve" Connie queried. Both girls nodded again. "Right ok, girls what you have to understand is your both grieving in different ways so your father and I deal with you differently. So it may seem that one of you gets more help but in all honesty you are getting the same help just different sorts of help. As for your father and I having time to grieve, you children are our priority and we will grieve as and when you aren't in need of us" Connie said. "Now you girls need to make up and become sisters again, now I don't mind you two not wanting to grieve together but I don't want your relationship breaking and I know Tom wouldn't want that either" Connie added. Both girls rested their heads on Connie's shoulders as she kissed both of their heads. "We love you mum, you always know just what to do and say" the girls said in unison.

Jacob looked on in ore of Connie, she was a brilliant mother and he had no idea how he ended up being as lucky a man as he was. Connie always knew what to do and he was so happy to call her his.

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