Staff Do

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The Masters family had been home from their holiday for about 2 weeks and every one was getting back into their routine. Today though was the a staff do for Darwin and the ED and everyone was bringing their partners and kids.

Connie looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a flowing black halter neck dress with her famous red soled Louboutins with a black shaul. Connie stared down at her engagement and wedding rings, had this really happened to her? Soon Jacob entered and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Come on sweet cheeks our kids are becoming very impatient" Jacob laughed while kissing Connie's neck.

They arrived the the venue around 30 minutes later and all the kids bar Jessie, Elizabeth and Lily had run off. Connie had Lily on her hip and Jacob was carrying the other two. "Hey Connie" Zoe said. "Hey, how's the married life treating you" Connie laughed. "The usual ya know" Zoe giggled.

Everyone left their kids in the play area/disco party which was being supervised by several members of hotel staff so the adults could enjoy themselves.

"Right let's play 21 truths" Rita said. The first person who ended up having to say 21 was Alicia. "Who's your biggest role model?" Zoe asked. "This is well embarrassing, it's um, it's Connie" Alicia said. "Well I'm honoured Alicia" Connie said. The next person it landed on was Jacob, "what's the most embarrassing thing you've done" Alicia asked. Connie knew the answer to this, so did Jac and Zoe. "Well I'd like to firstly say I was very drunk, and I mistook Jac for Connie and kissed her" Jacob said. "Are you serious mate, that means you've kissed both ice queens and secondly their hair colour is completely different, Jac's is auburn Connie's is dark brown, seriously" Cal laughed. Next it landed on Cal. "Who's your worst nightmare in the ED" Jacob asked. "Either Connie when she's angry or Zoe when she is imitating Connie" Cal answered. "Wait can we go back to the bit about Zoe imitating me please" Connie laughed. "Come on Zoe I want a demonstration now to see if you're accurate" Connie continued. "I will later" Zoe said. It next landed on Connie, "what's the most bizarre place you've ever had sex" Cal asked. "Um in a car on the side of a motorway" Connie said going a shade of crimson. "Oh my god Connie even I didn't know this" Jacob said. "Zoe and Jac do, I was 17 and my boyfriend and I were on our way back from a hotel and we had to stop, he got very turned on by something I said and we ended up doing it in the car on the side of the motorway" Connie explained. Everyone stood there open mouthed. Next person was Zoe and Connie was so looking forward to asking her a question. "Zoe what happened on your 19th birthday" Connie asked with a smirk on  her face. "You evil cow" Zoe said. "Basically I was with Jac and Connie and they both had boyfriends. Jac's boyfriend tried to hit on me so I told her and she dumped him there and then. Sooner or later Connie's boyfriend got bored so she told him to fuck off as she was staying for her friends birthday. Anyway later on when me and Jac were extremely pissed, Connie decided we should go home. After basically putting us to bed Connie apparently went to bed herself. I woke up with a very sore head in the middle of the night and was very disoriented, I couldn't remember where I was or who I was or what I was doing. I heard Connie get up but didn't realise it was her and mistook her for an intruder and punched her in the face. We then spent the next hour in A&E because I had broken her nose. And that's it really" Zoe said. "I think you missed one vital detail Zoe" Jac laughed. "Oh seriously, fine, at some point I ended up kissing Connie as well but I was drunk" Zoe said. "It's alright Zoe and at least it was your best friend not some random girl" Jacob laughed.

They had finished the game and were going to the kids area to pick them up as it was gone 11pm. Connie found Lily, Elizabeth and Jessie asleep on Tom's lap. Her and Jacob lifted the girls up and told Tom to go fetch Grace and Hailey.

By the time they got home everyone was tired and agitated and annoyed. None of the kids wanted to go to bed, so Connie and Jacob put on a movie in their room hoping they'd all fall asleep.

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