Telling Staff Nurse Masters

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It was early Friday morning and Connie felt nauseas. She felt it rise through her as she pelted for the toilet. Luckily Jacob wasn't home he'd had to start work early due to a shortage of nurses. Connie still hadn't told Jacob she was pregnant. She didn't know how. She knew he wanted it but she was worried. She wasn't sure what about but she was worried none the less.

Soon Grace and Jessie wondered into Connie's room. "Hey, how are my favourite girls this morning?" Connie asked. "My tummy hurts" whimpered Jessie, "my head hurts" moaned Grace. "Come here sweethearts" Connie soothed as she wrapped her arms around them both. How was she going to manage another one it was hard enough with two.

Connie, Grace and Jessie had been in bed the whole day watching movies when Jacob arrived home. He was exhausted it had been along shift. He walked up the stairs to hear Jessie gagging and connie trying to soothe her and Grace in tears. "What's going on in here then" Jacob said as he tried to help a tearful Grace. "They are not feeling well" Connie said. "Oh, you are looking a bit pale to love. You alright?" Jacob asked. "Can we talk about this later once these two are in bed?" Connie said. "Sure" Jacob said before turning his attention back to Grace.

Connie and Jacob were sat on the sofa watching NCIS when Connie built up the courage to tell Jacob. "Jay, there's something I need to tell you. I'm, I'm pregnant" Connie mumbled for the first time in her life. Connie was anxious for his response. "Oh Connie that's absolutely fantastic" Jacob said as he lifted her off the sofa and spun her round. Connie giggled as he stopped and she toppled back on to the sofa really dizzy. Jacob leaned in and said "I love you Mrs B'. "And I love you Staff Nurse Masters" Connie replied before kissing each other passionately and falling asleep in each other's embrace.

Sorry it's been so long since my last update really had no time because of revision for my GCSEs. Hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and comment, it means a lot to me. Thank you.

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