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Grace was in the staff room when she heard shouting coming from her mother's office. Jacob and her mum were fighting, probably about Jessie. Grace closed her eyes and wished for them to stop, it reminded her of when her father use to shout at her, and it made her remember what usually came after. 

Grace quickly walked over to her mother's office. She knocked on the door, they went silent. "Come in" Connie hastily said. "Grace darling you alright sweetheart" Connie said as she saw Grace enter. "Yes mum I just came to ask for some money for lunch that's all" Grace said looking down. "Of course darling, here you go" Connie said as she gave Grace a 10 pound note.

Grace left but stayed outside the door for a while. The shouting was soon resumed. Grace hated it, this was the first time her mum and Jacob had fought, she just wished that they would stop. Grace slid down the door and covered her ears with her hands as tears streamed down her face. Zoe and Robyn walked past at first not noticing Grace but they heard the shouting and looked towards Connie's office. Grace saw them look at her and ran off outside. "Robyn you go after her, I'll get Connie" Zoe instructed. Robyn nodded and followed the direction Grace has went. 

Zoe knocked on the door. "Come in" Connie said sounding annoyed. "Hi Connie" Zoe said as she  entered. "Zoe is this important because I'm in the middle of something" Connie said. "I heard and unfortunately so did Grace. She's run off in tears. Robyn went after her." Zoe said. "Shit" Connie said. "What" Jacob said. "Grace hates fighting it reminds her of something that she really doesn't like to think or talk about" Connie said. "What' that then" Jacob asked. "Connie sighed and said "When Grace went to live with her father in America, everything was going ok. After the first few months, Sam started to develop a temper, especially with Grace. He's shout at her for hours, one day he completely lost it and hit her. After that moment it just got worse. Sam told Grace if she ever told anyone it would get worse and that no one would believe her anyway. So Grace kept quiet. I only found out because one day I got a called from a hospital in the US saying Grace was in their Emergency Department and they think she was being abused and how soon could I get over there. When I arrived Grace was panicking about Sam coming to hurt her. The staff had kept him well away from her but she was still so scared. When I spoke to her she immediately told me everything. I saw what he had done to her and it broke my heart. Now whenever she hears  angry shouting it reminds her of it. Zoe where did she go I have to find her".  "She went outside" Zoe said. Connie left her office in a rush to find Grace. 

Connie bumped into Robyn. "Ah Mrs Beauchamp, Grace is round that corner but she won't let anyone near her" Robyn said. "Thanks Robyn" Connie said before walking off. 

Connie went round the corner and there was Grace crying her eyes out. Connie came up to her. "Come here Gracie" Connie said. Grace stood up and hugged her mum tightly. Connie rubbed her back and stroked her hair. "It's ok sweetheart, I understand. Ssh its all going to be ok. Me and Jacob are ok sweetheart I promise" Connie soothed. She heard a muffled "ok" from Grace. She walked back with Grace to her office with her arms wrapped around her. She knew Grace was still scared and worried. And she knew she had to be there for her and protect her and make the pain she felt lessen. 


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