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This next update is military sensitive, I have a personal connection to this story line, fortunately for me, my story didn't go the way this update will. This update is also inspired by the songs 'Soldiers light' by Rylee Preston and 'No need to say goodbye' by the poppy girls. This update is 2 years later.

Grace was sat in her room, re reading the letters he wrote from his post. She missed him, it hurt her to think he might never come back. She always said goodbye went he left but he always replied with 'there's no need to say goodbye my love'. Grace knew it was hurting her siblings and parents too, but she was so lost in her own emotional turmoil that she never really asked them about how they were. Tom also wrote to them but no where near as much as he did Grace. The last letter had come just over a month ago, it read

Dear my darling Grace,
I miss you more with everyday that passes. I know this is hard for you and I know the pain you feel. I want you to know my love that this won't be the end of us but the beginning. I hope you're not crying yourself to sleep beautiful, I'd hate to be the reason for your tears. Trust in me when I say there is no need to say goodbye, I will come back to you my love. I know it's hard but look after the Masters clan for me baby, you need to all stick together. I can't wait to see you again when I return home is now just under a month away. I'm counting down the days. I'll love you Gracie for all of infinity.
All the love in the world
From your one and only
Tom xxxxx

Tears fell down Grace's cheek as she re read the last letter she had received. Oh how she missed him. Grace heard a faint knock on her bedroom door. She knew it was her mum. "Grace darling can I come in" Connie murmured. "Uh-huh" Grace replied while trying to clear her throat and stop the tears from falling but they wouldn't. Connie walked in and pulled Grace into a hug. "Ssh it's alright, I've got you. Mummy's got you" Connie soothed as Grace cried into her chest. Connie had seen the letters scattered across her daughters bed. She was at her most vulnerable. Connie knew how much Grace missed Tom. Connie was so proud of her son when he joined up but it scared her no end. He was 19 now and she couldn't of been more proud of the man her son had become she was just worried about what might happen and how that would affect Grace. Grace was pregnant and she refused to tell Tom over the phone or via letter, she'd specifically stated she wanted to show him and tell him face to face. Grace was 6 and a 1/2 months pregnant and all this stress wasn't good for the baby. "Hey it's alright sweetheart, ssh" Connie soothed once more in an attempt to try and calm her daughter down.

Connie heard the door bell and knew Jacob would answer it. "Uh Connie, Grace can you come down here please" Jacob shouted. Connie knew something was wrong by the way Jacobs voice broke and she prayed it wasn't what she thought it was. They both got to door and Grace took one look at the officer and said "no I refuse to believe you, he can't be". "You are Miss Grace Georgiana Beauchamp" the officer said. "Yes" Grace said her voice beginning to break. "I regret to have to inform you that Mr Thomas Jonathan Beauchamp was killed in action after under going an operation to save our allies from enemy fire. I'm sorry for your loss Miss Beauchamp" the officer informed after he'd removed his hat. "No" Grace screamed as she hit the floor and began to sob uncontrollably. Connie rushed to her, tears also in her eyes after hearing of her sons death. Jacob said goodbye to the officer who said he'd be in touch soon about Tom's body and how Grace would need to come and identify it.

"Con I'll go tell the kids, you stay here with Grace" Jacob said as tears poured from his eyes. Connie kissed him and nodded. Grace was muttering to herself and still crying. Connie sat down beside her. "Come on baby let's go upstairs" Connie whispered. It took awhile but they were finally in the guest bedroom as that had no reminders of Tom in it, and Connie needed to calm her daughter down without setting her off again. "I can't do it by myself" Grace cried into her mothers chest. "Ssh, your not on your own darling ok. It's ok, we'll get through this" Connie soothed. Connie knew she'd have time to grief in the evenings with Jacob but during the day they had to be strong for their kids, especially Grace. "He didn't even know I was pregnant" Grace whimpered. "It's alright baby, I'm sure he's looking down on us, I'm sure he knows, even of you couldn't tell him yourself" Connie said trying to reassure her daughter.

Grace soon fell asleep on her mother, and Connie was just left wondering what she was going to do and how she was going to do it.

Please comment and vote, it would mean a lot to me. This idea came to me at 5:30am this morning so I've been up a while writing it for you guys. I appreciate everyone who reads my fanfics. Thank you x

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