7 Months In

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It was 7 months in and Jacob had no idea how Connie managed it. The sleepless nights. The mess. Not to mention the expense.
Jacob was bought out of his trance by a loud cry filling the room. "It's all right babe, I'll get her" Connie said to Jacob as Jacob slumped back into the pillows and Connie got out of bed and went over to Libby's cot. "It's alright baby, mummy's here. It's ok" Connie soothed. Jacob watched in ore. She was a natural he knew she would be, he could tell from when she was with Grace. Connie placed a sleeping Libby back into her coat and climbed back into bed beside Jacob. He looked so tired she thought. It's how she had felt when Grace was small. Just then there was a knock at the door which opened to reveal Grace and Jessie. "Can we come in" they said in unison. "Of course you can" Connie said. Jessie and Grace went either side of Connie and snuggled into her. Jacob could see all four of the children would be their mummy's children. They all adored her, did what ever she asked, listened to her, let her help or take care of them. For Jacob it was harder, much harder. He was good with Jessie but that's because she had had no one else until he met Connie then he started to fall apart. Connie had noticed but she wasn't sure how to broach the matter. She knew he'd be sensitive.

Once the twins were dressed and had had some milk, Connie put them in their play pen. She also put on a movie for Jessie and Grace so she could talk to Jacob. "Babe, what's wrong?" Connie asked. "Is it that obvious". Connie nodded. "It's just I don't think I'm that good at being a parent not compared to you" Jacob admitted. "Babe you're bound to find this hard, I know you had Jessie but you had to be there otherwise she's of had no one else but now you have me so it's easier to let how you feel show. It will get easier babe, it's just practice and I have tonnes from not only my own experiences but my friends too". Connie said. She wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and he intertwined his hands with hers. He didn't know how he'd manage without her all he did know was that he wasn't going to let Connie raise the children by himself it just wasn't fair on her. He needed to put his game face on and fast.

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