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Hi everyone, so I would like to start by thanking you all for reading my fanfic, it means a lot to me to know that people enjoy my writing. Now I know this may upset some of you but this will be my last update on this story. It is set many years later when Jacob and Connie are old and their kids are grown up and have families of their own. I hope I do this last chapter justice.

Dear my darling husband,
                                                It pains me to say this but it is time, it is time kick off my Louboutins, it is time to hand down my stethoscope. Where did all our years go eh. I still remember the first time I laid eyes on you as if it was yesterday. Your strong muscular arms as they held the fitting patient. Who knew those arms would be the arms that protected me through my life, stopping me from being hurt. I never thought I'd find true happiness, but with you I can certainly say I have. I don't wish to leave you but I know I must. My time is running out and in due course so will yours. We will be together again, I promise. This forsaken disease has taken over my body but I will not let it take over my mind. It is our memories that will get me through this particular ride,and the fact I have to go it alone is daunting. I haven't done anything without you in years, but by the time you'll be reading this, that will have changed. Jacob Masters you are everything and more to me and I will save you a place in heaven right beside me. Please look after the children for me until it is your time. Love you forever and always
From you wonderful wife
Connie xxx 💕

Dear Gracie,
                       I know that you'll be broken even before you start reading this, so remember that mummy loves you and will always be looking down on you. I'm so proud of all that you've achieved and who you've become. Please continually tell Sasha and Harry that Nanny loves them and will always be looking out for them. I hope that as clinical lead of what was once my ED, you will continue to shine and show everyone just what us Beauchamp-Masters are made of, and yes you may have my black stethoscope and red soled Louboutins. Go get them Gracie, show everyone who you are. I will always be here as and when you need me. I'll tell Tom, you love him and that you're being well looked after by Mason. I'll never forget you baby and I'll see you soon.
All my love in the world
Mummy Bear xxx 😘

Dear Hailey,
                       Who'd have thought, clinical lead in cardiothoracics up on Darwin. I'm so proud of you darling, never forget that. Please keep an eye on Gracie for me, please be there for each other instead of against each other, lord your dad won't be able to take it after this. Please don't push each other away, it won't bring me back. I know seeing me in this way has been hard for you, especially since your biological mum died, however long ago that may seem. Never forget that I love you. Please tell Jade, Mattie and Milly that their nanny loves them lots and is very proud of them and that she will always be watching out for them. Don't push that good man of yours away either, Lee is a great husband to you and he will always protect you. I know by now you are probably crying so remember mummy's here and always will be. I love you my darling.
All the love in my hear
Mummy Bear xxx 😘

Dear Jessie,
                     I'll keep this short and sweet just like you because I know you won't be able to take much more than what you already have, so just remember that you are mummy's little girl and that we will see each other soon. Give nanny's love to Sam and Charlie and don't bottle all this away from Josh (husband). Remember I'll always be with you.
All the love I have
Mummy Bear xxx 😘

Dear Elizabeth,
                           My baby all grown up and entering the big wide world. I'm so proud of you. Never forget how much I love you. I'll let your biologically mum know how proud of you I am and what you've achieved. I'm sending you lots of hugs and kisses from above. Tell Emily, Libby and Jason  that nanny will never leave their hearts and that she will always protect them and love them. You are the best single mum, I've ever known sweetheart so never doubt yourself. By now you'll probably realise my letters are getting shorter that because my time is getting shorter and I still have one more to write. Don't forget to remember me my darling.
All my love in body
Mummy Bear xxx😘

Dear Lily,
                 Oh my baby, please don't cry. Mummy's always going to be here for you whenever you need me, I promise. Please look after your father for me, who knows what this will do to him. By the time you read this I will be at peace from the pain thar I have endured but if I was able to endure it any longer I would because then I'd get to stay with my beloved family. Please tell Amelia I love her and always will, and tell little bump that while nanny never got to meet them she will always love them. Kisses and hugs being sent to you sweetheart.
All my love in the universe
Mummy Bear xxx😘

The Beauchamp-Masters family all read the letter Constance May Beauchamp-Masters had written them, and after each one had finished reading they whispered goodbye...

So this is the end of blended family, I hope you all enjoyed it. I know I have enjoyed writing it for you. Thank you again.

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