Chapter 4

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It was the Payback pay-per view and I was being dragged down the backstage hallways by Punk... And I mean literally DRAGGED, I was sitting on the floor and he had my arm and was dragging me down the hallway. We passed by catering and Cena caught a look at us and immediately started following. He was next to me and looked back and forth between me and him "Why?" He asked looking down at me. I smiled an looked back at Punk.

"I said I wasn't coming out to his match, he disagreed, I sat down on the ground and crossed my arms, and then this happened" I explained.

"Were you serious?"

"No, just wanted to see what he'd do"

"He know that"

"Yeah, he just kept dragging me"

"Phil?" John asked looking at Punk.

"Yeah man?" He answered.

"You two are SO dysfunctional"

"No we're not"

"Dude... You're dragging your girlfriend down a WWE backstage hallway because she refused to come to your match because she wanted to see what you would do... You're telling me that isn't dysfunctional"

"Knowing Punk and I as individuals, you're seriously questioning what we find okay and what we find dysfunctional?"

John looked like he was about I respond but then thought better of it and turned back around and went back to catering. Once John was gone I pulled Punk backwards and pulled myself off the floor and pressed my lips to his. He smiled against my lips and pulled me closer to him. He separated our lips and smiled at me. "C'mon babe, my match is up next" he said and put me up over his shoulder in a fireman's carry and kept walking. I was fidgeting and laughing trying to get him to put me down. His theme hit right when we got there and he didn't even put me down, he just walked out with me over his shoulder. I heard him shout out "IT'S CLOBBERING TIME!!!" And then he spun around in circles and finally put me down. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him forward and kissed him, and the crowd went WILD over that. I saw Jericho in the ring, a smug smirk on his face... And I was wondering what he was up to and who he was working with... Because I know that face... The last time I saw that look was before Wrestlemania last year a few hours before he kidnapped me... This wasn't gonna end well...

I sat in my usual spot at commentary right next to Jerry the King. "And we're joined here at commentary now by CM Punk's girlfriend, Jamie Sapphire" said Michael Cole

"Glad to be here with my good buddy King" I said not acknowledging Cole... Everyone knows I just can't stand him.

"Glad you're over here Jamie, I noticed you had a sour look on your face on your walk past the ring, what was that about?" asked Jerry with a little concern.

"Jericho gave me a look on my way over here"

"Yeah, and?"

"Same look I saw a few hours before I got kidnapped last year"


The bell rang and the match was underway. Punk wasn't faring too well in the fight at first... But them one glance over at me from Jericho, and a few unheard words exchanged between the two and he started freaking out on him. Punk landed 2 GTS's on Jericho and was able to cover him finally for the three count. I got up into the ring and was walking past Jericho to get to Punk when I heard Jericho chuckle on the ground next to me. I looked down at him weirdly. "The fuck's your problem?" I asked him with agitation on my voice. He looked up at the titantron and I looked up that way too to see a video playing of Punk standing around somewhere when a woman I recognized as Lita walk up to him. I saw him mouth something and then he pulled her in for a long passionate kiss. Something in the corner of the video caught my eye and I saw it was the date... Only a week ago... Cheating on me... He lied to me. The video flicked off and I turned around to see Punk finally getting off the turnbuckle and looked back at me, tears streaming down my cheeks, not letting up at all. Concern crossed his features and he came towards me, but I just turned, climbed out of the ring, and bolted up the ramp to backstage. I ran into Randy on my blind run backstage, pure heartbreak and sorrow in his features. "You were right Ran, shoulda listened to you, happy now?" I said angrily and kept running. I didn't care if he felt bad for me or not, he cheated on me with Eve when we were dating so nothing has changed in my relationship life. I kept running and running until my knees went weak and I could no longer see where I was going. I dropped to my knees and just sat there and cried. I would have and should have expected something like this from Orton, but PUNK?! He was my "brother", my best friend, the biggest love of my life... And then he went and cheated on me. I leaned against the corner of the wall I was next to and just wondered why the fuck this had to happen to me 2 relationships in a fucking row. I felt someone bring me up to my feet and just held me against them in a tight hug. I looked up through my tears and was able to make out John Cena's features. "John?" I choked out.

"Mm hm" he said quietly.

"You saw?" I asked, holding back my tears for a minuet. He nodded quietly. The tears started coming back. "I just don't understand" I choked, grabbing his shirt and burying my face in his chest. His hand ran over my back calming me down a bit... Until I heard someone calling my name. "Jamie? Jamie!!" Came Punk's voice from down the hall. I turned around and saw him down the hall, making his way for me and John. I immediately slipped out of John's arms and started running again. I didn't get very far though because I felt John's arms wrap around my shoulders, keeping me from going any further. I was squirming and pulling at his arms but couldn't get out of his grip. "Jamie, what happened?" Came Punk's voice from behind the both of us. I could feel pain and anger boiling inside of me, fighting to see which was going to get the better of me. "John..." I whispered "please..." and he let me go. I ran, but this time knowing where I was going. I ran out of the arena and down the street, blocks and blocks but I finally found the house. I opened the door and went to my room, grabbing my luggage and packing it up since I was going to be going to a new town in 2 days anyways, I just couldn't be in this house with Punk. I was dragging my luggage down the front hall, about to leave when Punk came through the front door. He caught one look at my luggage and was instantly worried. "Babe, what are you doing?" He asked taking a step towards me, I took a step back, looking at the ground... I couldn't look at him. "I'm going out" I said.

"Yeah, I got that part, why is what I don't understand"

"I just... I can't stay here tonight Punk... I have to go" I brushed past him but he grabbed my arm. I looked back and he caught my eye. "Why" he said directly, features softening.

"Lita" was my only response as I grabbed my house keys, wallet, and phone off the table near the door and walked out.

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