Chapter 14

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"Here's the thing, we started out friends. It was cool but it was all prete-end. Yeah, yeah. Since you been gone..."

I laid down on the bed as the music blared in my ears, not caring that I was alone in the house today. Punk had to go out for work today and promised he'd be back by tomorrow, but with the WWE, you're never really sure when you'll get another day home. WWE hasn't had much use for me lately an I can see why when they have the damn Total Divas prancing around. Don't get me wrong, I love them all, they're some of my best friends... But I find it annoying that only a few and the most popular divas got their own damn show. I stared at the blank ceiling and the feeling of loneliness finally hit me. I turned the depressing song off and picked up my phone an dialed Punk's number before I even got a chance to think about it. "Hello?" can the voice of the voiceless, and the voice I so desperately needed to hear.

"Hey Punk" I breathed happily, laying back down in the bed.

"Jaim, hey! How are you?" He said happily, I could tell he was by himself due to the lack of noise.

"I've been better"

"What's wrong?

"I just miss you is all"

I heard him let out a sigh and I could practically see him running his hand over his hair. "Believe me, I know the feeling" there was a pause before he spoke up again "I'll come home as soon as I can Jamie, I promise, I hate leaving you" I smiled.

"I hate you leaving" I responded.

"You should have come along with me this time... This hotel room could really use you in it" I could hear the reference behind his words and could feel my face heating up as I thought back to that night after RAW a few weeks ago. "You're blushing, aren't you?" He asked knowingly. He seriously knows everything about me.

"Yeah, I am" I responded. I really wanted him here with me right now.

"RAW is going on in about an hour, once I'm done I'll head straight there, it's not too long of a drive"

"Punk, you don't have to... I don't want you to tire yourself out and have an accident on the road"

"Babe, I'll be fine... I'm pretty sure the excitement of getting to you will make sure I'm not tired on my way"

I giggled lightly and couldn't help myself from thinking about that beautiful smile that was probably plastered on his face right now. "I love you Punk" I said quietly.

"I love you too Jamie, I'll see you soon" he assured.

"Alright. See you" I clicked 'end call' and started up my music again. I was dying here without him, he's right, I should have went with him tonight. I would love to be there when he goes out and does all the things that he does so well... My Mr. Best In The World. I kept picturing him coming down the ramp with me right there next to him, him being the cute little idiot that he is, and the fact that I mentally fangirl every single damn time I see him peel his shirt off before a match. I kept status at the ceiling and looked at the digital clock on the TV in my room and saw it was 5 to 8. I quickly grabbed the remote and flicked on RAW. I wanted to see what Punky was scheduled on for RAW tonight... And I may have wanted a warning as to when Punk was headed home. After Punk finished with his no DQ match with Ryback I was all happy and excited... That was... Until the Whyatts came out. That kinda ruined my mood. I watched as Bray taunted him and saw my name cross his lips and then Punk went into full on rage mode... It still wasn't enough. I kinda sat in my bed just huddled in a bit of a ball and worrying if he was okay or not. By the time I was able to calm down a bit I hadn't realized RAW was just about ended and I haven't head from Punk so I was starting to get worried. I got up and went for the door because I was literally about to drive out there to check on him, only to open the door to find him leaned against the frame, smirking at me. "I can tell by your rushed attitude and that look in your eye that you watched RAW" he said calmly, he looked so... Perfect. Like literally, he looked like he hadn't just been pummeled by the Whyatt Family. He walked in and shut the door and then was right in front of me, basically pinning me back against the door. "But beating or not, I made a promise that I was in no mood to break" he continued, his tone was hushed and there was a slight edge behind it, like I could almost tell what was gonna come after this. His tongue swiped his tongue over his bottom lip and I wanted to squeal, I know he knows thing like that drive me crazy. "God, the things I'll do to make you happy" he said placing a kiss to my jawline. A shuddering breath left my lips. He drives me fucking insane with the slightest touch.

"You know" I said quietly "if you REALLY want to make me happy, you'd put your lip ring back in" he chuckled and placed another kiss on my jaw right below my ear.

"I'll think really closely about that" he whispered sexily in my ear. My stomach fluttered and I closed my eyes. He's torturing me and he knows it. "C'mon" he said grabbing my hand and leading me towards the stairs "I think I'll torture you a little bit more and then I'll put you out of you misery"

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