Chapter 30

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Every day, instead of going out with friends or partying, a good number of people, different ones every day, came to the hospital. There was one person, though, who always seemed to be there, who could rarely ever bring himself to leave her side... and that guy was her best friend... Phil Brooks. He was always at the side of his best friend Alex, but she never wanted to be called Alex, she preferred Jamie. Jamie was a sweet soul whom everyone at their high school loved. She could carry a conversation with anyone, everyone liked and accepted her. Some of her best friends around the school were people like Cody Runnels, John Cena, April Mendez, Victoria Crawford, Randal Orton, and Phillip Brooks. It was a well known fact around the school by literally everyone by Phil himself that Alex was completely in love with him... but she was too concerned with losing his friendship to ever do anything to damage that. Randall at one point in their 4 years if High School became enemy #1 to both Phil and Alex once he'd broken Alex's heart by cheating on her, almost getting by murdered by Phil because of it. Phil then couldn't understand why Alex would steer clear of him and not talk to him during the time that he was dating a Miss Amu Dumas... but now he knows.

Alex dated John Cena for about half a year, trying to convince herself that she loved Cena an was over Phil... but she couldn't fool John, and she couldn't fool herself either.

After taking months to figure out that no matter what he or she did, she was never going to stop loving him, she decided it was about time she told him how she felt. they had just graduated about 2 weeks prior now, so Alex called up Phil after sitting down and watching WWE Monday Night RAW, since it was something both her and Phil loved to watch, and told him that she needed to come over because she had something important to tell her. Obviously said yes, so she set out to his house, having such a heart attack about telling him she was basically in tears on her way there.

After a long while she still hadn't showed up at Phil's house, so he went to go look for her since he knew it wasn't that long a walk from his house to hers. On his way there, not even 5 blocks from his house, he saw something in the street ahead of him. As he started to get closer he was noticing that it wasn't something that was laying in the road... it was someone. Phil ran forward as fast as he could, not believe long that it could be his Alex in the road, but just someone that needed help. He knelt down next to the person in the road, trying to get the person to respond, and when they didn't, he rolled said person over to see Alex before him. He checked frantically to see if she had a pulse or was vreathung, and luckily she was. He quickly dragged he body out of the street and into the sidewalk before running up to the nearest house and smashing on the door until the person woke up and let him in so he could call an ambulance... She had gotten hit, most likely by a car, and it was a very hard blow.

Alex was in the hospital for about a year now in a coma and still hasn't woken up... And Phil blames himself every single day for what happened. The doctors had said to him and he family that she had about a 35% chance of pulling through, but there was a 65% chance she'd die in the next 4-6 months.

Every day Punk would talk to Alex and tell her everything. He would tell her what was going on around her, who had come to visit her that day, what he was thinking about, or even just tell her a story... but any time he'd have to leave the hospital he would always tell her he loved her and gave her a kiss on the forehead, and when he'd come back he'd give her a kiss hello and say "Hey Beautiful"... and all this is because it literally took he getting hit by whatever she was hit by and sent into a coma for him to realize that what he felt towards her wasn't just a protective and loving brother/sister bond with her... it was that he's always been in love with her.




There was a specific day now here that Phil wasn't seeing any improvement at all, and he was really just giving up hope, he didn't think she'd make it now, so he was just sitting in his usual chair just crying. Amidst that he heard a sound come from the bed, like a shift in weight, and he looked up to see Alex sit up and start to look around the room, until he caught her eye. "Punk?" she asked hesitantly "What am I doing in the hospital?"

"Punk?" Phil asked her as he got up and sat on her hospital bed in front of her. "Alex I don't know what's been going on inside that head of yours but you've been in a coma for about a year now"

Alex didn't even try to hide her shock and disbelief. "What? C-coma? N-no, no that's not right. I'm Jamie Sapphire WWE Diva, and you're CM Punk WWE Superstar and my boyfriend! Th-that can't be true!!"

"Alex, Jamie, whoever you think you are, I'll tell you everything about yourself if you like, but... there's something that I've needed to tell you, as now that you're awake, I can finally really get it off my chest" he said softly as he moved in and placed his lips to hers softly, before pulling away almost instantly, but kept his face close to hers. "I love you Alex. I love you so much and I was worried so much about you like you wouldn't believe. I need to watch out for you better, and I promise I'll do that from here on out and I'll be here even more than usual. You're amazing Alex, incredible actually and, God, I've been lying to myself for years just to keep myself from destroying our friendship, but to hell with that. Alex I'm completely in love with you and I need you to be mine. I honestly can't live without you, you mean everything to me and-" Alex pressed her lips to his gently to shut him up. Even through everything, in the world she just walked out if and the one she just walked in to, and even though she wasn't rendering anything he told her, she believed him. She knew she could trust him, she just knew it. And what she also knew is that she was in love with this guy, and she could accept everything he was going to tell her... and she was going to love it.


A/N- The End!!! Hope you all enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm actually sad to see the story end, but everything has to end at some point doesn't it? Oh well. Thanks for reading!!

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