Chapter 15

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You're setting yourself up again Jamie! Called an eerie voice. My eyes shot open to show me that I was in a dark room by myself. I could have sworn that I was sleeping next to Punk... You're too forgiving dumbass! Called the voice again. I stood up and looked around. There was still nobody there. "Show yourself!!" I called out into the darkness. Suit yourself. I turned around and saw a devilish creature that seemed familiar but so strange at the same time. She was my height. She had some of my features but looked so unlike me. She had devil horns and bright red eyes and her clothing was nothing like something I would wear, it was a tight strapless black and red top and a short and thin black and red layered tutu and heeled black boots. Her hair was layered an had red tips and her arms were crossed in front of her chest, revealing she had in spiked bracelets and black fingerless gloves and I noticed a spiked dog collar also. "Who... Who are you?" I asked, intimidated greatly by the person who stood in front of me.

Puh-lease, like you don't know already. She responded, her voice sounded like mine, but with a demonic undertone to it.

"N-n-no, I r-really don't"

I'm you, dumbass... Well... The little conscience voice in the back of your head anyways.

"You can't be, you're, you're nothing like me"

On the contrary, I'm exactly like you. You see, you haven't been listening to me lately, you perceive me as someone who cannot be trusted, someone you shouldn't listen to, so you have me the form of a devil. Although I do dig the look, I'm only her to help you Jamie.

I honestly could believe it, that this was my conscience, that I turned her into this. Now I can't deny that outfit is amazing, but I still couldn't believe that I turned her into this. "Well... What is it?"

Me? What I came for? So NOW you want to listen to me, huh?

"Do you want me to listen or not?"

Depends, can I keep the look?

"Depends, can you change the eyes, they're creeping me out"

No problem. She blinked a few times and they turned a darkish green, just like mine. Now anyways, Punk's not right for you. Did I just hear her right? Yes, Jamie, you heard me right. Punk's not right for you. He's cheating again.

"What? No! That's not true!! He wouldn't do that again!"

That's just it Jamie!! You want to believe that soooo badly that it's clouding your judgement! And believe me, I know you have damn good judgement. Just think about it for a minute... Before this whole incident of you finding out, was he ever truly and overly romantic with you like he is now, except for the times that he felt bad for you and wanted you to be happy? I thought about it... And she was right... He was always like he is now when he wanted me to be happy when I was sad. Now it's because he wants to keep you happy an make you believe he's committed and really loves you! He's still the same cheating bastard that he's always been. He doesn't want you to find out, he doesn't want you to put your guard up and try and find anything out... But guess what sweetheart... That's the only way you'll find out the truth.



I shot up in bed, breathing heavily at the dream I just endured. Punk? Unfaithful? AGAIN?! I wanted so bad to go back to my state of ignorance, thinking everything was fine and dandy... But it's not... It's not. I felt the bed move and a small groan from someone waking up next to me. My breathing still hadn't evened out and the person noticed, I felt a hand rubbing my back immediately. "Jaim, babe, are you okay?" cane the familiar concerned voice of the one and only, CM Punk. Normally, his calm and sweet voice would be soothing... But it's not right now... Right now it's killing me. "Yeah, I'm fine" I answered coldly and got out of the bed, walking across the cold floor to the door.

"You don't sound fine, babe, where ya going?" He asked, I could hear the covers move and I heard footsteps walk after me as I went down the hall to the stairs.

"I'm fine Punk, just leave me be" my voice was colder than I intended.

"You're never this cold to me" he caught up to me in the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder "What's wrong?" His voice was soft in my ear and it sent shivers through my entire body... but I can't give in to him. When I didn't answer him he started pressing small kisses to my neck and jaw. Crap. Don't give in Jamie, you're better than that! Came my conscience voice. She's right... I can't give in. I tugged at his arms and he didn't put up a fight and released me himself. I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and could feel his gaze on me the entire time. I turned around and headed back upstairs, never once looking at Punk. I went to go into the room I used to stay in when Punk and I were just friends but he quickly grabbed my wrist and pinned me back against the opposite wall. "Alright, the fuck's the matter with you Jamie?! First you're cold to me, then you deny me, then you just downright ignore me!! The hell is up?!" I refused to speak to him. He sighed. "Alright... You leave me no choice" he picked me up and brought me into our bedroom and slammed me down into the mattress and pinned me down. Fuck. I looked up at him, not a word escaping my lips. "Babe" he leaned down in front of my face "we both know how this will end... Why not save me the trouble?" He said sexually. I'm not giving in, I'm not giving in, I'm not giving in, I'm- he pressed his lips to my neck softly, and trailed kisses up to my jaw. Ccrraapppp. "C'mon Jamie, put yourself out of your misery, you're only doing this to yourself"

I still refused to respond to him, but I managed to get my wrists out from his hands ad slipped away from him and locked myself in my old room. He banged repeatedly on the door and it seemed he gave up, but I wasn't sure what to believe. I quickly grabbed some clothes out of the drawers and put them in the suitcase I kept in here. I was NOT about to try and resolve this shit tonight, so I climbed out the window and started for the hotel down the street.

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