Chapter 28

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A/N- Heyyy!!! Just thought I'd let everyone know that this story is at 2.55K!!!!! I'm so happy with that, that fact that I'm almost at 3K and my story has only been up since like October or something, it's really awesome!! Again, I know compared to other stories it's not a lot, but it still means a lot to me!! Love you guys! <3


Sleep is not the answer to any of this. Sleep isn't helping me, it hasn't so far and it still isn't helping. Last night, all through last night I heard that voice, and I was asleep! I was out cold asleep but I wasn't having any dreams, I was just seeing black and all I heard throughout the entire night was that voice. He was telling me stories and things that must've been happening but I wasn't imagining any of it, all it was, was I could hear him telling me everything. At first it was annoying, scaring me even that I'm going absolutely insane... but if I'm insane, then what's the point of fighting it? After long enough the voice seemed less scary and more comforting, so I just laid there without problem listening to the stories and events he told me. This is actually how I wish Punk and I could be. That I could just lay around with him and be comfortable as happy and just listen to him tell me stories or something, I'm honestly tired off all the shit he's constantly putting me through... I don't want to seal with it anymore, but yet I can't help but fall right back into it. His sweet calming voice, his gentle nature towards me, everything about him is so sweet and nice... But he's so secretive and it kills me that he does that. The one thing that's he voice keeps telling me is that he needs me... is that just my conscience or something telling me that Punk really needs me? My eyes finally opened from the voice and my long night of darkness to see light pouring in the window. I can't keep running away from my problems... that's not the answer either, I thought to myself as I slid out of the bed. I walked to the door and was met by Cody who looked as if he was about to come in and check on me. "Hey Jaim, didn't think you'd be up" he said a bit awkwardly. I half smiled at him.

"Codes, thanks for letting me stay here last night, but I really, I need to go back to Punk, I need to straighten everything out" I told him. He nodded in understanding as I turned to go grab my suitcases to go back to the hotel room that Punk and I were sharing.

The door was slightly open when I got there so I quietly walked into the room, trying to figure out why it would be. Did I close it after me last night? "I know I should have helped her back a long time ago Hunter... I just... I fell in love" I heard Punk say quietly. I left my suitcases by the door as I quietly crept further into the hotel room towards where the voice was coming from. There was a slight pause before he spoke again. "I know it's wrong, you think I don't know that?! But God, she's incredible! I couldn't bring myself to help her back once I got assigned to her, once I met her... that's why I kept hurting her, to drive her away from the truth... away from going back..." I hit into something and made a loud enough noise that Punk turned to me, he looked like he'd been crying. "She's right here actually... I'm gonna tell her Hunter... calm down I will" he said theist part a bit harshly into the receiver end of his cellphone before he clicked the 'end' button on his screen. "Jaim, thank god" he sad before coming over and enveloping me in a hug, to which I lightly wrapped my arms back around him. "Jamie, I'm an ass, I'm so so so sorry... I won't keep anything from you anymore, I promise" he told me, sincerity in his voice.

"You've broken promises before Punk" I told him quietly, causing him to let go and look at me, holding my shoulders as he stared deeply into my eyes.

"I know, but I mean it this time, no lore secrets, ever"

"How do I know you're not just bullshitting me like last time?"

"There's boho of reason why you should believe me, but could you believe me?" I stayed quiet staring into his beautiful green eyes. Should I? should I give him another chance? I nodded softly before I could stop myself and he smiled sadly. "Thank you" he whispered.

"But what is it you were going to tell me?" I asked him, now basically desperate to know what it was.

"Can I tell you tomorrow, or tonight? I really... I need a few more hours with you..." A few more hours? What the fuck is gonna happen once he tells me?!

"...Okay... But you have to swear to tell me after"

"Swear on my life Jaim"

He crossed his heart and smiled at me again. "Alright... tomorrow then..."


A/N(2)- Okay, so L&L is kinda coming to a close since, you know, this is happening, and I've literally just run out of ideas to keep it going. So yeah, there's gonna be 2 more chapters to this story, Punk's explanation chapter and the final chapter, thanks for voting and reading and everything, it means a ton to me, you're all awesome <3 :)

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