Chapter 24

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The world in front of me was blurry. The streets were so familiar but yet so foreign, as if I haven't seen them in forever. I couldn't see very well, probably because of the tears blocking my way, but I wiped them away and stood on a street corner, leaned back against a street lamp. Pull yourself together Alex, you need to tell him, I highly bitterly to myself. He deserves to know and I need to tell him... I need this weight off my chest. God I'm never gonna feel better until I tell him. I took big breaths and calmed myself down, wiping away the last if the tears. The streets became almost crystal in front of me, but I've walked them enough to now exactly where I was and how to get where I was going. I looked down the empty streets at least 5 times before I took a step off the sidewalk. It's past 10 at bught, who's even gonna be out this late? I thought to myself. I looked a few more times as I walked across the wide residential street on my way over to my best friend's house. You've got this Alex, you can do this Jamie, you can-

My encouraging thoughts were harshly interrupted by the sound of a car going at unnecessarily fast speeds to my right... and I didn't react fast enough. I turned my head in that direction I find myself looking into a pair of blinding headlights...

"Jamie" I felt my shoulder being shaken, but my eyes wouldn't open. "Jaim" came the same voice again, wait... who's voice is that? "JAMIE!!" shouted the voice again. I finally recognized it as Punk's voice and my eyes finally opened. I realized I was curled up in a ball and I was shaking. Punk's worried eyes were the first things I caught sight of once my eyes opened from my dream, or, rather my nightmare. My thoughts went back to my nightmare ad what happened. What the fuck just happened in my subconscious? "Jamie, what the hell just happened? I heard you mumbling in your sleep, saying something about needing to tell someone something and something about an Alex, who's Alex?" he said as I sat up and looked at him.

"I- I'm not entirely sure..." I told him truthfully. I don't know why I was thinking my name was Alex or why my dream happened the way it did... But it's a bit annoying that I can't think of it... Maybe my mom could help out. "I'm, I'm gonna go call my mom... maybe she'll have some answers" I told him as I got up and grabbed my phone off the dresser to the hotel room on my way outside the bedroom. I could feel Punk's gaze of the back of my head but I couldn't figure out why, so I ignored it and headed out to the balcony.




"Jamie Kate Sapphire, where have you been? Too busy to call your own mother I see" came my mother' cheery and teasing voice once she picked up.

"Hey mom, sorry I haven't called. I've had... a lot to deal with lately" I responded as I leaned forward onto the railing.

"It's alright baby girl, I get that the world of a WWE Diva is a hard an time consuming job"

"You can say that again"

"So. To what do I owe this rare as amazing occasion of a phone call too my dear?"

"I, uh, I needed to see if you could put some pieces together for me. Not literally, just some story parts not making sense"

"Okay, what is it?"

"Would you by any chance know where the name Alex would come from that I would think my name was Alex in a dream?"

"Sure. When you were younger, probably in about High School, you absolutely hated the name Jamie, said it didn't fit you. You liked to be called Alex"

The faint memory of not liking my name came to me. "And how about a car accident? Anything there?"

"Oh, god Jamie. I thought you'd forgotten about that"

"What? forgotten about what?"

"Back in High School you basically RAN out of the house late one night needing to tell one of your friends something very important according to you. You were a teary eyed mess running out of the house... you had gotten hit by a car on your way over there. Luckily it was just a broken leg and a slight concussion, Doctor said it could have even a lot worse"

Hm. I thought that dream was nothing... guess a memory just wanted to come back. "Oh, alright"

"Are you okay sweetheart?"

"Yeah, yeah. I just didn't know any of that"

"Jamie, you haven't talked about it ever. We all thought the concussion just knocked the memory right out of ya"

"Well, guess my mind wanted the memory back"

"Was that is Jamie?"

"Yeah, that was all... I'll try and call you soon, okay mom?"

"Okay baby doll"

"Kay, love you mom"

"Love you too"

I pressed end on the phone and ran my ringers back through my unruly brown hair. Hit by a car? High School? You know what... I find it to be a problem that u can't remember a damned thing about high school... or anything before WWE for that matter. How hard did you get hit on the head in your match Jamie?

Apparently pretty damn hard.

You should see a doctor.

I'm fine.

Jamie... we've had these discussions... Go see a doctor.

Fine, I'll go see a doctor.

I sighed and turned around to face the hotel room and saw Punk on the phone with someone when he caught sight of me. He finished his conversation and waked out to me. "Hey... get any answers?" he asked.

"Yeah, apparently I liked to call myself Alex back in high school" I answered crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Really now?"


"Now, why were you shaking?" he walked across the small balcony and put his hands on the railing next to either side of me, trapping me right in front of him.

"I was in an accident when I was in High School as well"

He raised an eyebrow. "What kind of accident?"

"I was hit by a car"

"Holy shit"

"Yeah... never remembered the accident until today. Guess my mind decided it was time for me to know what happened to me" I pulled my phone out of my pocket. "Now, I need to make a doctor's appointment"

"No need, I already did it" he told me. I looked up at him curiously. "I heard you say you were going to go see a doctor so I scheduled it for you, next week, since we'll be home"

I smiled "Thank you Punky" I thanked him happily. I really hated calling in appointments at the doctors, the receptionist pisses me off.

"No problem babe" he assured me before taking his hands from the railing and wrapping them around my waist and bringing his lips down to mine. "I love you" I mumbled against his lips.

"I love you too Jaim" he said back. I moved back and looked up at him for a second.

"You should put your lip ring back in" I taunted. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I'll think about it" he told me before claiming my lips with his again.

A/N- So, something revealed about Jamie's past. Car accident an she liked to be called Alex... I suggest you guys keep this information in mind. In fact. You guys should keep a lot of the little info in mind, it all play out in the end. Anyways. So, I'll try and update and think of new stuff soon, see you guys and girls soon!

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