Chapter 11

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"I don't trust him" came John's voice on the phone. I was walking through the terminals headed for baggage claim with my hoodie up so I wouldn't draw any unnecessary attention to myself. I shook my head. "Can you be calm for 5 minuets Mister Super Cena? I can take care of myself" I answered with baggage claim now in my sights.
"I just don't wanna have to kill Punk is all, I don't need to go to jail and ruin my records"
"Yeah, it'd be a real shame to have a little dent on the picture perfect record of John Cena" I mocked smirking. It was sweet that he cared, but he needed to let me handle my business. I heard him sigh in the other end of the line.
"Alright Jamie, you win, I'll calm down. Just remember I'm a phone call and a flight away" I smiled.
"Glad to hear it... I talk to you soon, alright?"
"Alright... Bye Jaim"
"See ya Cena"
I clicked the phone off and grabbed my bag off the conveyer. I looked around for no reason in particular and saw a familiar face across the way at the door. It was my old friend Ken. Ken is a taxi driver from my favorite taxi service, and he's always been the best. I'd always had stories for him ever time I saw him and he the same for me, so the company always sent him for me when I called. I haven't called up the taxi service lately since Punk has been calling a different one for the both of us lately and it was really awesome to see him. I smiled and walked his way and he had a big old grin on his face when he saw me coming. "Now I'm either going crazy, or this is my favorite little diva standing here in front of me" he joked cheerily. I rolled my eyes and hugged him.
"Hey Ken, it's been a while" I answered pulling back and leaning on my luggage handle.
"Well, lets get you home, shall we?" He said grabbing my luggage handle and I moved off of it and followed him. Once in the taxi he didn't hesitate to start our conversation as if we had only seen each other yesterday. "I saw Payback the other night, how are you? You seemed pretty upset" he said, worry and sorrow tinting his voice. I smiled and shook my head.
"I'd be lying if I said I was fine but... I'm going to Punk again" I said staring out the window and I could practically see the shocked face Ken had right now.
"You're not serious, after what he did?"
"Yeah... Again, I'd be lying if I said he didn't hurt me badly... but, God I don't know what it is... I think in actually in love with him"
"Aww, little Jamie's in love" he mocked. I looked back at him with a 'really?' type look and giggled.
"I feel like I'm gossiping with my friends" I said mocking his manhood.
"Touché Sapphire"
We finally got to the house and I looked up at the house that loomed in front of me, wondering what the fuck I was doing here. You knew Punk better than anyone and you knew that if he was stupid enough to make a mistake once, he'd be stupid enough to do it again. I walked up the front stairs and to the front door and opened it with the key that Punk left in the mailbox. I looked at the halls and picture and I felt like I never even left. I thought about all the nights at home Punk and I had spent here watching movies, playing video games, being plain dumbasses... I didn't think any further because I didn't want to upset myself and I went upstairs to put my suitcase in my closet. I walked into my room, put my suitcase in the closet, and started walking back downstairs. I felt arms wrap around my waist and pick me up off the ground and I screamed. I was instantly put down and I turned around to punch whoever was there in the face, but my fist was caught and put down by the one and only CM Punk. "Nice to see you too Jamie" he said mockingly, pulling me into his embrace. I immediately wrapped my arms back around him through literal force of habit... But it did feel nice to be able to have my arms around him and bury my face in his neck. He tried to pull away but I legitimately refused to let go of him, so he eventually just picked me up and walked downstairs with me, sitting down on the couch in the living room. He eventually was able to get me to let go of him (mainly because he promised me Chinese food if I did) and smiled at me. "Seems like someone DID miss me" he said happily, a smirk playing at his lips. I smiled lightly and leaned over onto his shoulder.
"Don't doubt me Punk, I missed you a lot" I answered softly.
"Sure didn't seen like it over the phone"
"Well gee, wouldn't you think I'd be pretty damn pissed you cheated on me?"
"Yeah... I know you were" all amusement left his voice. I turned his head to face mine.
"Look Punk, you fucked up, and you told me you wouldn't do it again... I'm trusting you... Just do me a favor and don't do it again and I'm perfectly fine" I said, a genuine smile crawling onto my lips. He let out a breath and nodded, a smile coming onto his lips too.
"Alright Jamie... I love you"
"I love you too Punk"
I was hesitant for a minuet but I pressed my lips to his, adoring the feeling it gave me to have my lips to his. Even with all the doubts I still had, I pushed them to the back of my mind because I was convinced he was telling the truth to me... and I wasn't about to be a sucker again...

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