Chapter 26

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"So tell me that you love me, yeah! Tell me that I take your breath away! Maybe if you take one mote, then I would know for sure, there's nothing left to say... So tell me that you love me anyway..." I was laying upside down on the couch in the Diva's locker room watching RAW play out in the screen across from me. I had my headphones on because I honestly never cared about the commentary, I just cared about the moves these people did. Currently on was the Total Divas against the other divas back here, but sadly, I was unneeded for this match because they had enough divas to fill te spots they needed. I could see signs around the ring saying things like 'Jamie's a Real Diva too!' and 'Ditch Aksana, bring in Jamie!' and it's not like I don't agree with these signs, and the many many people on Instagram, but I can't do anything about it, the Authority has all the power around here and there's really no questioning the Authority. As I laid there looking up at the TV I thought about it and realized that Punk hasn't come to bother me and such since the match started and normally he's there right after the other girls leave for matches. I decided to get up and find out where he was. I pulled my headphones down and paused my music and headed out into the hallways to find Punk. After long enough I finally asked a few people and all pointed me in the direction of Hunter and Steph's office, to that's exactly where I went. I was about to turn the corner and go around into the office, but I could hear them plain and clear out in the hallway. "Punk, she's gonna have to go back soon" Hunter said calmly, but I could hear the chill behind his words.

"No, she doesn't" Punk said angrily, sounding like he was gonna blow a fuse.

"She could die if she doesn't, and you know that just as well as we do!" Steph said her voice stern and kind of angry.

"SHE WON'T DIE!" he shouted back at them "She's fine here, she belongs here, she likes it here"

"She likes being in a place where you basically control everything and she has to sit back and be continuously hurt by you because you don't now how to keep your hands off Lita?" Hunter asked. Okay, here comes the fuse blowing.

"I haven't hurt her in months, I've been changing, Hunter. I love her and I will not let her go"

"Well, now think about this. You can keep her here and you have another 4-6 months max according to the family, or you can let her go and you can see her every single night for the rest of your lives and do whatever you want without worry" What the fuck are the talking about?

"You don't know what you're talking about"

"Don't I? I've been covering your ass for too long Punk, I know everything there is about this situation and I know what I'm talking about. Give me an answer about your move in 2 weeks or I'm going to tell Jamie everything"

"You wouldn't dare"

"Try me Punk, 2 weeks"

I could hear footsteps walk the opposite way down the hall before I heard a loud huff from Punk before he walked around the corner and almost into me. He stopped before he could hit into me and knock me over and when he did see who I was his eyes widened slightly. "J-Jaim, hey. How much of that did you hear?" he asked me worriedly. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Not too much, just from Hunter telling you I need to go back on" I told him "Why?"

"N-no reason babe, it's nothing"

"Go back where?"


"Punk, tell me what that was about. I have a right to know about it if I was the subject"

"Yes, you do, and I promise I'll tell you I just... I need to think this completely through before I tell you, okay?" I could see is eyes pleading with me as well as his tone of voice. Since I was taking too long to answer Punk decided to add in "Babe, please trust me on this... I won't keep it from you forever, just let me get my answer back to Hunter. Please Jaim, trust me?" he had his hands I my shoulders and he was a good enough distance back, but his eyes were still burning straight through mine with the same pleading look from before. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, finally nodding in agreement "Fine" I told him "give your answer to Hunter, but you have to tell me what's going on after you do" I opened my eyes and looked at him to see his eyes light up and he smiled at me. "Thank you Jami, trust me, it's gonna be better for you to wait for this explanation'

"You had better hope so Punk"

He pulled me to him and wrapped me tightly in his arms, and me wrapping my arms around his neck as well savoring the feeling of his skin against my arms since I have a feeling I won't get that feeling too often once these 2 weeks are up. "I love you Jamie, more than anything, please tell me you know that" he pleaded softy, his hold getting a little tighter around my waist.

"Yeah, I know Punky, I love you too" I assured him not wanting to let go of him now. Seriously, why did things have to stop being easy when I became his?

A/N- Hey guys!! Not sure if anyone's caught in yet and I kinda hope you haven't yet as to what's going on in Jamie's little messed up world, but if you did, Aweosme! You're a smarticle particle! If not, then you're just gonna have to hang in for the ride! Hope you guys like my story thus far and continue to like it as we go along :)

Love you guys!!! <3 :D

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