Chapter 10

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I ran a hand back through my wavy light brown hair as I walked the streets in Tampa, really just trying to process why the fuck I would do that. I eventually got to the park Cody showed me earlier and took a seat somewhere in the middle of it. Almost as if in cue my phone started ringing. I took it out expecting it to be John tying to find me, but instead it was Punk. I rolled my eyes and, for no reason, I actually answered the call. "Yeah" I said flatly, Criss crossing my legs like Punk would siting on the RAW stage... weird habit I guess.

"Did you ask John to threaten me or was that all him?" He asked, a playful tone to his voice.

"All him, that it?"

"Well someone's pretty eager to hang up the phone"

"Do you REALLY think I want to be talking to you right now?"

"I don't think, I know"

"Well you KNOW wrong! I don't want to be talking to you asshole! In fact, whatever, goodbye" I was about to click end when u heard Punk's plea on the other side of the line.

"Jaim, Jamie, please, give me a second, I'm begging you, please... Please" the desperate tone to his voice actually caught me... I've never heard him use that voice, ever. I put the phone back up to my ear and listened to the silence. "You still there?" Punk asked quietly, the desperate tone still on his voice.

"Yeah" I answered just as quietly "I'm still here"

"Jamie... I screwed up... I screwed up so badly the other night and the last time I'd kissed Lita..." I heard him sniffle "you're... You're honestly the greatest person to ever walk into my life, and I'm an asshole for hurting you. You deserve way better than me and I can actually understand if you never want to talk to me ever again... and I know this is a long shot... but is there any shot in hell that you could come home, and be mine again?"

I chuckled a little "How do you even expect me to trust anything coming out of your mouth after you lied to me and cheated on me?"

"That's just it, I don't expect you to forgive me, I don't expect you to give me another chance, I don't expect you to trust me ever again"

"Then what was the point of this?"

"The point is that I live you, I love you more than anyone else in this world, and I will literally BEG for another chance... I know I don't deserve it, not in the slightest bit... but I was just hoping that there was a shot in hell that I could get another chance"

I sat there thinking about it so carefully, about anything and everything to give him another chance... and there was something... I was still dangerously in love with that man. No matter how much I wanted to bury it, how much I wanted to move on, how much I wanted to convince myself that I was in live with John... I couldn't do it... I'm still in love with Punk. "Alright" I answered so quietly I'm not even sure Punk could have heard it if he tried.

"I'm sorry, what?" He answered, hope and wonder evident.

"I said alright... I'll come back to Chicago and I'll give you one more chance... But you blow it, and will never, EVER talk to you again"

"I... Jamie I love you, I'll see you when I get back to Chicago"

"See you soon Punky"

"Bye my little Gem"

I hung up the phone and stared down at it, photo booth pictures of Punk and me a few years ago when we went to a mall. The top one we were just smiling, the second we were making stupid faces, the third was him putting me in a headlock, an the last was me giving him a kiss in the cheek. With all that's happened the past two days I hadn't even thought to change my lock screen. I smiled down at the pictures softly as thought about how much fun we've had over the years and I was so happy we'd had such a connection that had carried us this far. I got up and started walking again and I was met by John's car not even 2 minuets after getting out of the park. I hopped into the passenger seat and John seemed pretty pissed. "Why? Why would you do that?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him.

"John don't" I said leaning on my hand and looked out the window.

"Don't what? You just ran out of the house after-"

"I wanted to clear my head John, calm down"

"How can I be calm when you're out running around in a city you don't know?"

There was a pause and I figured I should tell John what I was doing before we got back to the house.

"I'm going back"


"I'm going back"


"To Chicago"

"Why? Why would you want to do that?"



"'Cause I'm back with Punk"

John pulled the cat over and stopped abruptly so he wouldn't cause and accident, then looked over at me.

"Please tell me you're kidding" I shook my head silently. "Jaim, if it was something I did I-"

"No, not it wasn't anything you did... I just... I realized I'm not over him, that I'm still in love with him, and he called me"

"He CALLED you?"

"Yeah... So I'm going back"

"What did he say that was so convincing that you have to go back?"

"Can we just go back to the house?"

"You're not gonna-"


"And this is what you want. He didn't threaten you. This is going to make you happy"

"Yes, no, and yes"

"Alright Jamie..."

He unsurely put the car in drive and went back to the house.

I was actually about to go back to Chicago... to be with Punk

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