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OMG I CANT BELIEVE imaginator1D  'S BOOK 'After' is becoming a movie! I am so excited, ASDFJKL

Luke's reaction really scared me.
After he left, I just didn't know what to do.
I was honestly scared out of my mind.

As soon as I got off work, I rushed back to the apartment and locked the door.
I didn't know if something dangerous was going on since Luke didn't think to tell me.
That boy is going to worry me to death.

Becca was gone over to Cade's house for the night, so it left me alone here.
Something I really didn't want to happen.
But Becca really wanted to and I didn't want to be the bad friend that asked her to stay here with me because I'm scared.
So I just watched movies all night and tried to forget about it.
I didn't have to work tomorrow, so I guess that's good. I can just stay locked in my house until Luke decides to tell me what's going on.

I was sitting on he couch, watching The First Time and eating popcorn when I heard banging on my door.
My head quickly shot up towards the door and the banging only got louder.

I was frozen in place and scared to death.

I finally got my legs to working and slowly made my way to the door.
I unlocked it and opened it slowly.

Luke stood there, anger etched on his features.
Relief washed through my body at the sight of him.

"Luke, you scared me!" I scolded him with a glare.
He just walked past me and sat on my couch.
I closed the door and followed him over.
"What's going on?" I said and you could hear the fear in my voice.

"I can't explain everything to you. But I'll take care of it, okay?" He said, turning to face me.
I suddenly felt anger pulse through me and I said, "You can't tell me? I'm in the middle of this situation and you can't fucking tell me?"

"Do you trust me?" He said, acting very calm.
"I'm not sure." I seethed.
"Come on, Claire. I said I'll keep you safe and I will."
I relaxed just a bit at his words but I still needed to know.., "Can you at least tell me about the whole phone number thing? You left without elaborating."
He sighed.
"Well, I don't know exactly who it is but I have a pretty good idea."
"Let me guess, you can't tell me that either." I said, sounding very annoyed.
"No, I'm sorry, but it's for your own good, love."
I just let it go and leaned back into the couch.
"So is that all you came here for? To tell me that you can't tell me anything?"
I was beyond annoyed with Luke right now. I cannot believe that he will not tell me what is going on! This is definitely my business.

"No, I came because I figured you were scared and I wanted to comfort you." He said sheepishly.

I was really thinking about letting him stay, but I just couldn't. Not after what Jasmine said yesterday.

"I don't want you to stay." I said but my voice cracked at the end and he knew I was lying.
"Don't lie." He said, rather sternly.
And in that moment, everything was just too overwhelming. I have to be careful, I can't talk to Luke, I can't be trusted with any information even though it's putting my life in danger. So I just began to cry and when I started, I couldn't stop.

Luke was quick to wrap his arms around me and pull me into his lap.
"What's wrong, darling?" He asked, soothingly.
When I kept crying and failed to answer his question he ran a hand through my hair and pulled me into his chest.
"Shh." He said, pressing a kiss to my head.
"It's okay." He murmured.

And before I knew it, I had fallen fast asleep.

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